because | adv & conj kerana, oleh sebab, sebab, disebabkan: I didn’t eat ~ I wasn’t hungry, saya tdk makan kerana saya tdk lapar; ~ of, oleh sebab, sebab, kerana, disebabkan; it is ~.... that, oleh sebab, sebab, kerana: it is ~ he eats so much chocolate that he is so fat, oleh sebab dia makan terlalu banyak coklat, dia gemuk; if... it is ~, /kalau, jika/..., itu adalah /kerana, sebab/: if I reprimand you it is ~ I want you to improve in your work, kalau saya menegur kamu, itu adalah krn saya mahu kerja kamu menjadi lebih baik; just ~, sebab, kerana, oleh sebab: just ~ he is inexperienced it does not follow that..., kerana dia tdk berpengalaman, tdk semestinya... . | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
with | 10. because of, kerana, (oleh) sebab: his face was white ~ terror, mukanya pucat kerana ketakutan; he was trembling ~ cold and exhaustion, dia menggeletar kerana kesejukan dan keletihan; he was speechless ~ surprise, lidahnya kelu kerana terperanjat; he is in bed ~ flu, dia terlantar di katil kerana demam selesema; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
throttle | 3. because of, kerana, (oleh) sebab: he became ill ~ overwork, dia jatuh sakit kerana bekerja berlebih-lebihan; he lost his job ~ no fault of his own, dia kehilangan pekerjaannya bukan kerana salahnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
for | conj kerana, sebab: I asked her in, ~ I had something to tell her, saya mengajak dia masuk kerana ada sst yg ingin saya beritahukan kepadanya; listen carefully, ~ I shall say this only once, dengarlah baik-baik, kerana saya akan mengatakan ini cuma sekali; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
as | b. (cause) kerana, oleh sebab: it is impossible to reach the village ~ the road is blocked, tdk mungkin kita dapat sampai ke kampung itu kerana jalan ke sana terhalang; ~ you have apologized, I will forget the matter, kerana saudara telah meminta maaf, saya akan melupakan perkara itu; c. (circumstances), (foll pres p) oleh sebab, kerana: living in the city ~ I do, I am accustomed to such things, oleh sebab saya tinggal di kota besar, hal-hal spt itu sudah biasa bagi saya; 4. (indic time), a. when, (se)waktu, ketika, sambil: she smiled ~ she received the gift, dia tersenyum sewaktu (dia) menerima hadiah itu or dia menerima hadiah itu sambil tersenyum; b. also just ~, sebaik saja: just ~ the door opened, a rifle-shot rang out, sebaik sahaja pintu itu terbuka, kedengaran tembakan senapang; c. while, sewaktu, semasa, sambil: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
under | 22. as a result of, because of, kerana, sebab, akibat: he collapsed ~ the strain, dia pengsan kerana ketegangan; she crumbled ~ the pressures of life, hatinya hancur musnah kerana tekanan hidup; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
therefore | adv /oleh, dengan, kerana/ itu, jadi; (in mathematical formulae) jadi: it is necessary ~ to take all precautions against the disease, kerana itu memang perlu mengambil langkah berjaga-jaga thdp penyakit itu; X = 2, Y = 3, ~ X + Y = | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
for | to weep ~ joy, menangis kerana gembira or menangis kegembiraan; the plants died ~ lack of water, tanaman mati akibat kekurangan air; ~ several reasons..., kerana beberapa sebab...; 14. in view of, considering (the circumstances etc) bagi, untuk: she looks young ~ a fifty-year-old, dia kelihatan muda bagi seorang yg berumur lima puluh tahun; he’s timid ~ a man, dia penakut bagi seorang lelaki; 15. a. as regards, concerning, [various translations]: she has a fondness ~ sweet things, dia menyukai makanan yg manis-manis; a good ear ~ music, pandai menghayati muzik; a strong desire ~ money, ingin sekali mendapatkan wang; ~ my part..., bagi saya...; he’s too young ~ the part, dia terlalu muda untuk peranan itu; ~ the rest..., bagi yg lain...; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
that | c. (a reason) kerana, sebab, maka [optional except at beginning of sentence]: the reason I complain is ~ I have been unjustly treated, sebabnya saya mengadu kerana saya diperlakukan secara tdk adil; what’s the reason ~ so ma | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
for | 12. such as explains, [not translated], mengapa: what was his excuse ~ being late?, apa alasannya dia datang lambat?; she gave no explanation ~ her behaviour, dia tdk memberikan sebarang penjelasan mengapa dia berkelakuan begitu; the motive ~ the withdrawal of the troops, motif pengunduran pasukan tentera itu; 13. because of, on account of, kerana, (oleh) sebab; (when foll by n indic emotion) kerana, sebab, [not translated]; (with negative implication) akibat, kerana, (oleh) sebab; (meaning “after”) selepas, setelah; (foll by phr containing the word “reason”) atas, kerana, (oleh) sebab: an area famous ~ its orchards, kawasan yg terkenal kerana dusunnya; they hid ~ fear of reprisals, mereka bersembunyi kerana takut akan pembalasan; she could not see ~ tears, dia tdk nampak kerana air mata menggenangi matanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |