pot 1 | vt 1. plant in flower pot, menanam [sst] dlm pasu: the gardener ~ted the cuttings, tukang kebun itu menanam keratan-keratan itu dlm pasu; 2. shoot game for food, menembak [sst] utk makanan: he ~ted a rabbit for their dinner, dia menembak seekor arnab utk makan malam; 3. (in billiards) menojok [bola] ke dlm saku meja biliard: unfortunately, he ~ted the wrong ball, malangnya dia menojok bola yg salah ke dlm saku meja biliard; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
litter | ~ st with, a. clutter st with (act.), /menyelerakkan, menyerakkan, menyepahkan/ [sst] di sst; (pass.) sst /berselerak, berserak, bersepah/ dgn: she’s always ~ing up the study with her newspaper cuttings, dia selalu menyelerakkan keratan-keratan akhbar di bilik belajar; the table was ~ed with dirty plates and cigarette butts, pinggan kotor dan puntung rokok berselerak di atas meja itu; b. (usu pass.) be full of, penuh dgn: her article is ~ed with irrelevant facts, makalahnya penuh dgn fakta-fakta yg tdk berkaitan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
section | 8. representation of st when cut through, keratan: longitudinal ~, keratan membujur; cross-~, keratan rentas; 9. (surg) cutting or dividing of organ etc, pengeratan, mengerat: the ~ of a blood vessel, pengeratan pembuluh darah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cross-sectional | adj 1. of transverse section, keratan rentas: ~ area, luas keratan rentas; 2. of representative group, keratan lintang: a ~ study, kajian keratan lintang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cross-section | n 1. (drawing of) transverse section, keratan rentas; 2. representative group, keratan lintang: a ~ of the community, keratan lintang masyarakat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
slip 2 | 2. small piece of paper used for records etc, slip, keratan penyata: a salary ~, keratan penyata gaji; he filled in a deposit ~, dia mengisi slip deposit; 3. cutting taken from a plant, keratan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sectional | 2. of or rel to section, keratan: a ~ view of a tree trunk, pandangan keratan batang pokok; 3. (often derog) limited to particular group in a community, bersifat seksionalisme: ~ interests, kepentingan yg bersifat seksionalisme. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
clipping | n 1. (of nail) keratan (kuku); 2. (of newspaper) /guntingan, potongan, keratan/ (akhbar). | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
paring | b. ( of claws, nails, corn, etc ) keratan: arsenic was found in the murder victim’s nail ~s, arsenik dikesan pd keratan kuku mangsa pembunuhan itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
break | ~ down, a. separate into component/s, dapat dibahagikan terbagi; (tech) mengurai: the budget for the project ~s down into wages, material and printing costs, anggaran belanjawan projek itu terbagi kpd gaji, perbelanjaan bahan dan kos cetak; water ~s down into hydrogen and oxygen, air mengurai menjadi hidrogen dan oksigen; b. undergo decomposition, reput, terurai: after a time, the fallen leaves and grass-cuttings will ~ down into compost, sesudah beberapa lama, daun-daun yg luruh dan keratan-keratan rumput akan reput menjadi kompos; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |