righteousness | n kewajaran, sewajarnya: to act in all ~, bertindak sewajarnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
expedience, expediency | (fml) n 1. appropriateness, kesesuaian, kewajaran; 2. the consideration of what is advantageous, kepentingan: political ~, kepentingan politik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
undisputed | adj 1. unquestioned, tdk dapat dipertikaikan: the ~ justice of his claim, kewajaran tuntutannya yg tdk dapat dipertikaikan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
legitimacy | n 1. (of child) kesahan: the ~ of the child is beyond doubt, kesahan anak itu tdk diragui lagi; 2. lawfulness, kesahan, sahnya: the ~ of the election was disputed, sahnya pilihan raya itu dipertikaikan; 3. justice, kewajaran: he challenged the ~ of the committee’s decision, dia mencabar kewajaran keputusan jawatankuasa itu; the ~ of the worker’s grouses, kewajaran rungutan pekerja-pekerja itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
legitimacy | n 1. (of child) kesahan: the ~ of the child is beyond doubt, kesahan anak itu tdk diragui lagi; 2. lawfulness, kesahan, sahnya: the ~ of the election was disputed, sahnya pilihan raya itu dipertikaikan; 3. justice, kewajaran: he challenged the ~ of the committee’s decision, dia mencabar kewajaran keputusan jawatankuasa itu; the ~ of the worker’s grouses, kewajaran rungutan pekerja-pekerja itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
tribute | 3. an indication of some praiseworthy quality, tanda: the vote given to the candidate was a ~ to their good sense, undi yg diberikan kpd calon itu merupakan tanda kewajaran mereka. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
wisdom | n 1. knowledge gained through experience, quality of being wise, kebijaksanaan, kearifan: I respect his authority and ~, saya menghormati kewibawaan dan kebijaksanaannya; the ~ and experience of our elders, kebijaksanaan dan pengalaman orang-orang tua kita; 2. sensibility or advisibility (of an action, decision, etc) kewajaran: I question the ~ of sending the child away with strangers, saya mempersoalkan kewajaran membenarkan budak itu pergi dgn orang yg tdk dikenali; 3. generally accepted opinion, pandangan, pendapat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
logic | n 1. science or study of correct reasoning, ilmu /logik, mantik/: to become a philosopher, the first step is to study ~, langkah pertama utk menjadi ahli falsafah adalah dgn mempelajari ilmu mantik; 2. way of reasoning, logika, logik: his ~ was at fault, logiknya salah; he used ~ to argue his case, dia menggunakan logik utk menghujahkan kesnya; 3. good sense, kewajaran, sst yg /wajar, lojik/: I see no ~ in the steps he’s taken so far, saya tdk nampak kewajaran dlm langkah-langkah yg diambilnya setakat ini; 4. way of thinking, cara pemikiran, logik: feminine ~, cara pemikiran wanita; 5. (computer technology) logik, mantik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
appropriateness | n suitability, a. (gen) kesesuaian: the ~ of a nickname, kesesuaian nama timang-timangan; b. (of action, measure, step, etc) kesesuaian; c. (of remuneration) kesesuaian, kesepadanan; d. (of punishment, retribution, etc) kesesuaian, kewajaran; e. (of amount charged, fine, etc) kepatutan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |