compromise | n settlement of dispute by mutual concession, kompromi, kata sepakat: to reach a ~, mencapai kompromi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
uncompromising | adj tdk ada kompromi; (of person) tdk mahu berkompromi: an ~ opponent of the left wing of the party, penentang sayap kiri parti itu yg tdk mahu berkompromi; their ~ hostility to the plan, penentangan mereka yg tdk ada kompromi thdp rancangan itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
concession | n 1. compromise, kompromi, konsesi: she wouldn’t allow her son to sleep overnight at his friend’s house, but as a ~ she promised to take him to the cinema, dia tdk membenarkan anaknya tidur di rumah kawan, tetapi sbg kompromi dia berjanji akan membawanya menonton wayang; 2. (fml) act of conceding, pemberian, penyerahan: the ~ of certain rights to the religious group, pemberian hak-hak tertentu kpd kumpulan penganut agama itu; 3. right, privilege given to so., konsesi: oil ~s in the South China Sea, konsesi minyak di Laut Cina Selatan; price ~s, konsesi harga. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
accommodation | n 1. adjustment, adaptation, ( to new circumstances etc) penyesuaian: the ~ of the Catholic Church to new ideas, penyesuaian Gereja Katolik dgn idea-idea baru; 2. lodging, (tempat) penginapan: hotel ~, penginapan di hotel; 3. settlement, compromise, penyelesaian: an ~ can be reached by compromise or arbitration, penyelesaian dapat dicapai dgn kompromi atau timbang tara; come to an ~, mencapai /penyelesaian, kompromi/; 4. loan, pinjaman. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |