overlay | n 1. lapisan: a wooden surface with a thin ~ of gold, permukaan kayu yg mempunyai lapisan emas yg nipis; 2. (fig.) disertai: a tragic play with an ~ of humour, drama tragik yg disertai jenaka; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
read 1 | 5. interpret in a specified way, mentafsirkan: his silence was ~ as consent, kesenyapannya ditafsirkan sbg persetujuan; so much of history can be ~ in the rock layers, banyak perkara sejarah boleh ditafsirkan drpd lapisan-lapisan batu; this sentence is ambiguous; it can be ~ in several ways, ayat ini kabur krn boleh ditafsirkan dgn beberapa cara; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
deposit | n 1. money entrusted to a bank etc, deposit, simpanan; 2. money put down as security etc, wang muka, cengkeram, deposit, cagaran; (by candidate in Parliamentary elections) wang (per)taruhan; 3. accumulation of sediments, precipitate, longgokan, mendapan: glacial ~, mendapan glasier; 4. accumulation of mineral ore, coal, lapisan: coal ~s, lapisan-lapisan arang batu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
layer | n 1. a thickness of a certain material or substance laid over a surface, lapisan: the ~s of old paint are difficult to remove, lapisan cat yg lama sukar ditanggalkan; a ~ of clay, lapisan tanah liat; 2. hen that lays eggs, (ayam) penelur. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
layer | n 1. a thickness of a certain material or substance laid over a surface, lapisan: the ~s of old paint are difficult to remove, lapisan cat yg lama sukar ditanggalkan; a ~ of clay, lapisan tanah liat; 2. hen that lays eggs, (ayam) penelur. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
scum | n 1. frothy layer covering surface of boiling liquid, lapisan buih: as the meat boils, a ~ will appear, apabila daging itu mendidih, akan terdapat lapisan buih; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
stratum | n 1. social division or class in society, lapisan: the support for the new party has come from every ~ of society, sokongan utk parti baru itu telah diperoleh drpd setiap lapisan masyarakat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sheet 1 | 4. broad stretch of st forming a thin layer, a. (ice, snow) lapisan: the road was like a ~ of ice, jalan itu menyerupai lapisan ais; b. (water, rain, fire), [not translated]: acres of farming land had been covered by a vast ~ of water, berekar-ekar tanah ladang ditenggelami air; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pall 1 | n 1. piece of material covering coffin, lurub; 2. (US) coffin at a funeral, keranda; 3. ( fig. ) cloak, mantle, lapisan: a ~ of smoke covered the village, lapisan asap menyelubungi kampung itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
plating | n 1. a coating of st esp metal,sadur, sepuh: the silver ~ on the tray is wearing thin, sadur perak pd talam itu makin haus; 2. protective layer of metal plates covering st, lapisan logam: the explosion damaged the ship’s ~, letupan itu telah merosakkan lapisan logam kapal tersebut. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |