cartoon | n 1. (drawing), (lukisan) kartun: Lat’s ~s are published in the newspapers, kartun-kartun Lat disiarkan dlm akhbar; 2. (film), (filem) kartun: Walt Disney’s ~s, kartun Walt Disney. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
portrayal | n 1. act of portraying, a. (graphically) lukisan: Lat’s humorous ~ of life in Malaysia, lukisan Lat yg penuh humor ttg kehidupan di Malaysia; b. (in words) penggambaran: the work, in its ~ of the horrors of war, created a lasting impression, karya itu, dgn penggambarannya yg mengerikan ttg perang, meninggalkan kesan yg mendalam; c. (on the stage) pelakonan watak: his ~ of Hamlet will live in people’s memories, pelakonan wataknya sbg Hamlet tetap segar dlm ingatan penonton; 2. particular representation,pemaparan: the film’s ~ of the era was historically factual, pemaparan era itu dlm filem tersebut betul-betul mengikut fakta sejarah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
apart | 2. at interval(s) of, selang, lat: the twins were born three minutes ~, anak kembar itu dilahirkan selang tiga minit; the cars left the starting-point five minutes ~, kereta-kereta itu berlepas dr tempat permulaan selang lima minit; 3. away, at a distance, berjauhan; (because of marital problems) berasingan: due to his job commitments, he had to live ~ from his family, oleh sebab tanggungjawab thdp kerjanya, dia terpaksa tinggal berjauhan drpd keluarganya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
every | ~ now and /again, then/, ~ so often, sekali-sekala, sesekali; ~ one of /them, us, you/, setiap seorang drpd /mereka, kami, kamu/; ~ other (day, week, etc), /selang, lat/ /sehari, seminggu, dll/; ~ which way, (US), (colloq), [various translations]: you’ll have to do your hair again, it’s going ~ which way, kamu mesti merapikan rambutmu. Rambutmu kusut betul; when the police fired tear gas at the crowd, everyone started to run ~ which way, apabila polis menembakkan gas pemedih mata ke arah orang ramai, semua orang mula lari bertempiaran. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |