arm1 | n 1. (of man) lengan; 2. forelimb of vertebrate, tangan; 3. sleeve, lengan baju: the ~s need shortening, lengan baju itu perlu dipendekkan; 4. armrest of chair etc, tempat letak tangan, tangan-tangan, kelek-kelek(an); 5. st thought to resemble an arm, a. long inlet of sea, lake, etc, cabang; b. river fork, cabang; c. projecting part of candelabrum, cabang; d. projecting part of machine, device, etc, lengan: the ~ of a crane, lengan kren; the ~ of the windmill, lengan kincir angin; 6. large branch of tree, dahan; 7. branch, subdivision of organization, cabang: an ~ of the government, cabang kerajaan; 8. power, authority, kuasa: the long ~ of the law, kuasa undang-undang yg luas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sleeve | n 1. part of garment that covers the arm, lengan (baju): a shirt with short ~s, kemeja lengan pendek; he rolled up his ~s and picked up the axe, dia menggulung lengan bajunya dan mengambil kapak itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
forearm1 | n lengan bawah: he grazed his ~, lengan bawahnya melelas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cape 1 | n (garment) mantel (tanpa lengan). | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
wound1 | vt 1. (act.) mencederakan; (pass.) cedera: he ~ed his opponent in the arm, dia mencederakan lawannya di lengan; he was ~ed in the ambush, dia cedera dlm serang hendap itu; 2. (fig.), (act.) melukai; (pass.) terluka: I was ~ed by her words, saya terluka oleh kata-katanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
nip 1 | vt 1. pinch, bite, a. (with finger and thumb) mencubit: the boy ~ped my arm, budak itu mencubit lengan saya; b. (with teeth) menggigit: that dog ~s people, anjing itu menggigit orang; c. (with beak) mematuk, mencatuk: the parrot will ~ you if you are not careful, burung kakak tua itu akan mematuk kamu jika kamu tdk berhati-hati; d. (with claw) menyepit, menjepit: I was ~ped by the crab, saya disepit ketam; 2. press, catch between door and doorpost, tersepit, terjepit: the child ~ped her finger in the door, jari kanak-kanak itu tersepit di pintu;__ | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
touch | n 1. slight contact, sentuhan: I felt a ~ on my arm, saya terasa sentuhan di lengan saya; he signalled his approval with a ~ on his friend’s back, dia menyatakan persetujuannya dgn sentuhan pd belakang kawannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
scorch | vt 1. burn superficially, (menyebabkan) terbakar; (meat) hangus: she had ~ed the sleeve of her dress, lengan bajunya terbakar semasa dia menggosoknya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pivot | n 1. fixed central shaft or pin on which st turns, pangsi: the arms of the balance swing around one ~, lengan penimbang itu berayun pd satu pangsi; 2. (fig.) a. most important figure, organization, tunjang: the mother is often the ~ of family life, ibu sering menjadi tunjang keluarga; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lurch 1 | vi tersengguk(-sengguk), tersenggut(-senggut): ~ing to his feet, the old man grabbed the arm of the chair for support, orang tua itu bangun tersengguk-sengguk lalu berpaut pd lengan kerusi; the drunken sailor ~ed to the door, pelaut itu tersengguk-sengguk menuju ke pintu; the car ~ed suddenly and the bag fell off the back seat, kereta itu tiba-tiba tersengguk dan beg jatuh dr tempat duduk belakang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |