putt | vi & vt memukul leret: he ~s well, dia memukul leret dgn baik sekali; he ~ed the ball towards the hole, dia memukul leret bola itu ke arah lubang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
long-winded | adj berjela-jela, meleret-leret; (of person) approp v + /berjela-jela, meleret-leret/: he wrote a ~ account of the incident, dia menulis kisah peristiwa itu berjela-jela; a ~ speaker, pemidato yg bercakap meleret-leret. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
prolix | adj (fml)long-winded, verbose, meleret-leret dan menjemukan: he was often ~ in his lectures, dia selalu meleret-leret dan menjemukan dlm menyampaikan kuliahnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
putter 1 | n (golf) 1. golf club used on green, (kayu) pemukul leret; 2. (person) pemukul leret. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
trail | 4. move or extend slowly in thin streams, a. (of smoke) keluar meleret-leret: smoke ~ed from the engine of the crippled aeroplane, asap keluar meleret-leret dr enjin kapal terbang yg rosak itu; b. (of banner etc) melayang-layang: a colourful banner ~ed behind the hot air balloon, sepanduk berwarna-warni melayang-layang di belakang belon udara panas itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
putt | n (golf) pukulan leret; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
drag | vi 1. labuh sehingga kelepet kainnya meleret ke tanah; 2. often ~ /on, out /, go on slowly, laboriously, berlarutan; (of lecture, story, etc) meleret-leret: if the hydrogen bomb had not been used the war would have ~ged on for who knows how long, jika bom hidrogen tdk digunakan peperangan itu akan berlarutan entah sampai bila, tdk siapa pun tahu; a marriage that ~ged on for the sake of the children, perkahwinan yg berlarutan demi kepentingan anak-anak; the lecture ~ged on, kuliah itu meleret-leret; although the actors were quite good, the play itself ~ged, walaupun lakonannya baik tetapi drama itu meleret-leret; 3. use a drag, menggunakan penyeret; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
screed | n 1. long monotonous letter or piece of writing, approp n + yg meleret-leret; 2. mixture of cement, mortar, etc to give a smooth surface, lapis, lepa. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
tedious | adj menjemukan, membosankan: the ~ task of compiling a dictionary, tugas menyusun kamus yg menjemukan: a ~, long-winded speech, ucapan yg meleret-leret dan menjemukan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
windy | adj 1. with much wind, berangin: it was a wild and ~ night, malam yg membadai dan berangin; here the winters are cold, wet and ~, di sini musim sejuk adalah dingin, lembap dan berangin; 2. full of fine-sounding but meaningless words, pompous, meleret-leret: such ~ rhetoric is to be avoided, retorik yg meleret-leret patut dielakkan; 3. (colloq) flatulent, kembung: onions make him ~, bawang membuatnya kembung; 4. (colloq & old use) nervous, scared, gentar, takut: she’s a bit ~ about staying alone in the house at night, dia agak gentar tinggal seorang diri di rumah pd waktu malam. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |