location | n 1. particular place, site, lokasi, tempat: no one knows the exact ~ of the sunken treasure, tiada siapa yg tahu lokasi harta karam itu dgn tepat; 2. act or process of locating, /mengesan, mencari/ (approp n): his job involves the ~ of missing persons, tugasnya melibatkan kerja-kerja mencari orang yg hilang; the ~ of the star was not possible by using ordinary binoculars, mengesan kedudukan bintang dgn menggunakan binokular biasa adalah tdk mungkin; 3. place outside studio where (part of) a picture is filmed, lokasi: most of the scenes were shot on ~ in Paris, penggambaran kebanyakan adegan itu dibuat di lokasi di Paris. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
situate | vt (fml) locate, site, memilih lokasi: they ~d the new capital away from the coastline, mereka memilih lokasi ibu kota yg baru, jauh dr pantai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
situation | n 1. (fml) position in relation to surroundings, lokasi: the house is in a delightful ~, opposite the park, lokasi rumah itu cantik, bertentangan dgn sebuah taman; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
scan | the radar ~ picked up the aircraft’s location, imbas radar dapat mengesan lokasi kapal terbang itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |