offshore | adj luar pesisir: ~ island, pulau luar pesisir; ~ mining, perlombongan luar pesisir; ~ oil rig, pelantar minyak luar pesisir; ~ current, arus luar pesisir; ~ wind, angin darat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
extraordinary | adj 1. not ordinary, exceptional, /i> luar biasa: a woman of ~ beauty, wanita yg luar biasa cantiknya; his talent for music is ~, bakat muziknya luar biasa; 2. strange, remarkable, luar biasa: she wears ~ clothes, pakaiannya luar biasa; his behaviour was most ~, kelakuannya luar biasa sekali; 3. out of the usual course, luar biasa: an ~ meeting was held following the arrest of two of the company’s directors, satu mesyuarat tergempar diadakan berikutan penangkapan dua drpd pengarah syarikat itu; 4. (fml) employed for particular events, purposes, dgn tugas khas: ambassador ~, duta dgn tugas khas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
outside | adj 1. situated not inside a building, di luar: an ~ lavatory, tandas di luar; 2. of, on the outside, luar; (ref to st done) di bahagian luar: the ~ layer of brickwork must be carefully interlocked, lapisan luar binaan bata mesti berpanca dgn rapi; what are the ~ measurements of the case?, berapa ukuran luar kotak itu?; the ~ repairs, kerja pembaikan di bahagian luar; the ~ edge, (bahagian) tepi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
rural | adj luar bandar: ~ industries, industri-industri luar bandar; they lived in ~ seclusion, mereka tinggal terpencil di luar bandar; the ~ areas, kawasan-kawasan luar bandar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
open-air | n di luar; (attrib) di luar (bangunan); (concert, theatre, etc) terbuka: open-air swimming pool, kolam renang di luar; n open -air gathering, perjumpaan di luar bangunan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
external | adj 1. of or for the outside, luar(an): this ointment is for ~ use only, salap ini adalah utk kegunaan luar sahaja; he suffered ~ injuries, dia mengalami kecederaan luaran; 2. coming, acting from without, (dr) luar; (of examiner, auditor, student) luar: ~ intervention may worsen the situation, campur tangan dr luar mungkin memburukkan situasi itu lagi; they were merely responding to ~ pressure, mereka hanya bereaksi thdp tekanan dr luar; 3. involving foreign countries, luar negeri: ~ debt, hutang luar negeri; the Department of E~ Affairs, Jabatan Hal-Ehwal Luar Negeri; 4. growing on or attached to the outside, luaran: ~ gills, insang luaran; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
virtuosity | n kehebatan yg luar biasa: a performance that displayed his ~, persembahan yg memaparkan kehebatannya yg luar biasa; of great ~, luar biasa hebatnya: an artiste of great ~ , artis yg luar biasa hebatnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
outside | n outer part, bahagian luar: the ~ of the house has not been painted, bahagian luar rumah itu belum dicat lagi; at the (very) ~, paling + approp adj or v: it should cost $50.00 at the ~, paling mahal, harganya $50.00; there were 2,000 people there at the very ~, paling banyak, ada 2,000 orang di situ; they should arrive here by six o’clock at the ~, paling lewat, mereka akan tiba pd pukul enam; from the ~, dari luar: the door opens from the ~, pintu itu dibuka dr luar; on the ~, a. on the outer part, /bahagian, sebelah/ luarnya/, di /bahagian, sebelah/ luar: a jacket with fur on the ~, jaket yg bahagian luarnya berbulu or jaket yg berbulu di bahagian luar; b. world outside an institution, prison, etc, di luar: life on the ~, kehidupan di luar; c. on side nearest the centre, di lorong luar: you should overtake on the ~, potonglah di lorong luar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
remarkable | adj luar biasa: a man ~ for his perseverance, lelaki yg luar biasa ketekunannya; he played with ~ skill, dia bermain dgn kemahiran yg luar biasa; the most ~ features of the country, ciri-ciri yg paling luar biasa di negara itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
outside | 5. (ref to telephone call or line) luar: they charge 30 sen for an ~ call, mereka mengenakan bayaran sebanyak 30 sen utk panggilan luar; (ref to lane of road that is nearest the centre) luar: it is not very safe to drive in the ~ lane, memandu di lorong luar tdk berapa selamat; 6. (not connected with particular group, organization, etc) luar; (coming from outside particular group, organization) dr luar: we shall have to request ~ help in this matter, kita mesti meminta bantuan luar dlm hal ini; such ~ influences will only do harm to our community, pengaruh dr luar spt itu akan hanya membahayakan masyarakat kita; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |