prosperous | adj successful, affluent, (of person, country, etc) maju, berjaya, makmur; (of business, industry, etc) maju, berjaya: these were ~ years, zaman ini ialah zaman yg maju; the people have grown more ~ due to the development in the area, rakyat bertambah maju disebabkan perkembangan ekonomi di kawasan itu; a very ~ looking gentleman, seorang budiman yg kelihatan sangat makmur; a ~ farm, ladang yg maju. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
viable | adj 1. feasible, berdaya maju: a ~ plan for controlling the economy, rancangan yg berdaya maju utk mengawal ekonomi; there seems no ~ alternative open to us, nampaknya tdk ada alternatif berdaya maju yg terbuka utk kita; 2. (biol) berdaya hidup: at seven months a foetus is ~, ketika berumur tujuh bulan, janin telah berdaya hidup. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
move | ~ forward, a. go, proceed, maju, bergerak ke depan: the procession ~d forward after being halted for an hour, perarakan itu mula maju setelah terhenti selama sejam; b. advance, maju, membangun: the country is moving f | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
prosper | vi be successful, flourish, (of person, country, etc) menjadi /maju, makmur/, berjaya; (of business, industries, etc) menjadi maju, berjaya: under his rule the country ~ed, negeri itu menjadi makmur di bawah pemerintahannya; primary industry continued to ~, industri utama terus menjadi maju. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
thrive | adj berkembang maju: he has a thriving business in the city, dia mempunyai perniagaan yg berkembang maju di bandar raya itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
up-and-coming | adj sedang meningkat maju: an ~ young executive in the firm, eksekutif muda yg sedang meningkat maju dlm syarikat itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
viability | n 1. feasibility, daya maju: the commercial ~ of the project, daya maju komersil projek itu; 2. (biol) ability to develop and survive, kebolehhidupan: freezing does not affect the ~ of the organism, takat sejuk beku tdk mempengaruhi kebolehhidupan organisma itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flourish | vi 1. thrive, prosper, berkembang (maju): business is ~ing, perniagaan sedang berkembang maju; 2. grow well, /tumbuh, hidup/ subur: roses ~ in a clayey soil, pokok-pokok mawar tumbuh subur dlm tanah yg banyak tanah liatnya; 3. be in good health, segar-bugar, sihat walafiat: we’re all ~ing, kami semua segar-bugar; 4. be at the peak of development, bersemarak: the Gothic style of architecture ~ed in the 13th and 14th centuries, gaya senibina Gotik bersemarak dlm kurun ke-13 dan ke-14; 5. develop strongly, berkembang subur: poetry and drama ~ed in Elizabethan England, puisi dan drama berkembang subur di England dlm zaman Elizabeth; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
spread | d. (of business etc) increase, maju: the company has started to ~ out at last, akhirnya syarikat itu mula menjadi maju; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
press 1 | ~ forward, a. (mil) continue in forceful manner, mara, maju: the soldiers ~ed forward despite heavy enemy gunfire, askar-askar itu terus maju walaupun dibedil dgn hebatnya; b. see vi (sense 1. b.); c. see ~ ahead; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |