mean 1 | ~ mischief, /bermaksud, ada maksud/ jahat; ~ well, /bermaksud, maksud/ baik: she is rather tactless, but she ~s well, dia kurang berhati-hati dlm percakapannya tetapi maksudnya baik or dia bermaksud baik; ~ well by so., | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
spirit 1 | 9. real intended meaning, maksud yg tersirat: according to the ~ and the letter of the law, menurut maksud yg tersirat dan yg tersurat dlm undang-undang itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
significance | n 1. essential meaning, makna, maksud: I did not understand the ~ of his words until some time later, saya tdk faham maksud kata-katanya sehinggalah beberapa lama kemudian; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
mean 1 | 3. (when explaining or asking so. to explain st further) maksud: when I say “no” I ~ “no”, apabila saya kata tidak, maksud saya “tidak”; “He left a note to say he was leaving.” “You ~ he’s gone for good?” “Dia meninggalkan nota | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
intention | n 1. intending, purpose, aim, niat, maksud, tujuan; (leg.) niat: I did it without any ~ of hurting him, saya melakukan perbuatan itu tanpa sebarang niat utk melukakan hatinya; he went to night school with the ~ of becoming an accountant, dia belajar di kelas malam dgn tujuan hendak menjadi akauntan; our ~ is to leave early tomorrow, maksud kami hendak bertolak awal besok; have an ~, berniat, bertujuan, bermaksud: she has no ~ what so ever of accepting the offer, dia sedikit pun tdk berniat hendak menerima tawaran itu; 2. (in pl), (old-fashioned) purpose in regard to marriage, niat, tujuan: I’m sure his ~s are honourable, saya yakin niatnya baik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
read 1 | ~ between; ~ between the lines, faham maksud yg tersirat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
purpose | n 1. intention, aim, tujuan, maksud: our ~ is to attract skilled workers, tujuan kami adalah utk menarik pekerja mahir; I went to town with the sole ~ of buying new shoes for the children, saya pergi ke bandar dgn satu tujuan iaitu membeli kasut baru utk anak-anak saya; 2. definite aim, resolve, azam, tekad: he seems altogether lacking in ~, nampaknya dia langsung tdk ada azam; his steadfastness of ~ enabled him to keep going despite the difficulties, azamnya yg tdk berubah-ubah itu telah membolehkannya meneruskan tugasnya walaupun dia banyak menghadapi masalah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
import | n 1. (usu pl) goods brought into a country from abroad, import: ~s exceeded exports, import melebihi eksport; ~ duty, duti import; ~ quota, kuota import; 2. importance, penting, mustahak; (of person) penting: matters of great ~, perkara-perkara yg amat penting; 3. meaning, maksud: I could not gather the ~ of his words, saya tdk dapat menangkap maksud kata-katanya; 4. act of importing, pengimportan: the ~ of certain drugs has been banned, pengimportan setengah-setengah jenis ubat diharamkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
amount | n 1. quantity, banyak(nya): the ~ of food left over surprised her, dia terperanjat melihat banyaknya makanan yg berlebihan itu; 2. sum total, jumlah; (econ) amaun: the ~ still unsold, jumlah yg masih belum dijual; he only spent a small ~ on repairs, dia hanya membelanjakan jumlah yg kecil bagi kerja-kerja pembaikan; ~ owing, amaun terhutang; 3. full value, significance, effect, maksud(nya): the ~ of the statement is that..., maksud kenyataan itu ialah...; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
import | vt 1. bring in from foreign country, a. (goods and services) mengimport: Australia ~s rubber from Malaysia, Australia mengimport getah dr Malaysia; b. (labour etc) membawa masuk: the company will ~ labour from the neighbouring islands, syarikat itu akan membawa masuk tenaga buruh dr pulau-pulau berhampiran; 2. bring (ideas, words, etc) from an outside source, meminjam: these ideas were ~ed from the West, idea-idea ini dipinjam dr Barat; 3. (fml) signify, mean, menunjukkan; (in interrog construction) makna, maksud: what do you think this change of attitude ~s?, pd fikiran kamu, apakah maksud perubahan sikap ini?. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |