evergreen | adj 1. having leaves all the year round, malar hijau: ~ tropical plants, tumbuh-tumbuhan tropika malar hijau; 2. ever enduring, sepanjang zaman: ~ songs, lagu-lagu sepanjang zaman; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
constant | adj 1. unchanging, tetap, malar: to drive at a ~ speed, memandu dgn kelajuan yg tetap; ~ temperature, suhu malar; 2. continuous, sentiasa; (of chattering, complaint, interruption) tdk /putus-putus, henti-henti/: she needs ~ attention, dia sentiasa memerlukan perhatian; her ~ complaints irritated her husband, rungutannya yg tdk putus-putus menjengkelkan suaminya; 3. faithful, setia: a ~ friend, kawan setia; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
evergreen | n (tree, shrub) tumbuh-tumbuhan malar hijau. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
perennial | adj 1. everlasting, a. (of stream, well, etc) tdk kering-kering, sentiasa berair, malar, saka: the ~ streams of the Alpine valleys, anak sungai yg tdk kering-kering di lembah Alps; b. (of snow, ice) sentiasa meliputi: the ~ snows and ice of Antarctica, salji dan ais yg sentiasa meliputi Benua Antartika; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
class | n 1. order of society, kelas, golongan: the upper ~, kelas atasan; the working ~, kelas pekerja; 2. group of persons taught together, kelas; 3. teaching session, kelas: the history ~, kelas sejarah; 4. (of university degree, examination results) kelas: first ~ honours, kepujian kelas pertama; 5. division according to quality, kelas: economy ~, kelas ekonomi; 6. category, kelas: pine trees belong to the evergreen ~, pokok pain termasuk dlm kelas malar hijau; 7. (colloq) distinction, kelas: her performance had no ~, persembahannya tdk ada kelas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |