explode | vi 1. burst loudly and violently, meletup; (of bomb, missile, etc) meledak, meletup; (of firework) meletup, meletus: he was killed when the petrol tank ~d, dia terbunuh apabila tangki minyak itu meletup; the home-made bomb ~d, injuring seven people, bom buatan sendiri itu meletup, mencederakan tujuh orang; 2. (of thunder) berdentum; 3. erupt, meledak, meletus: the growing discontent might one day ~ into a general uprising, rasa tdk puas hati ini mungkin pd suatu nanti meledak menjadi kebangkitan umum; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sky-high | blow st ~, a. (act.) menyebabkan sst meletup hingga berserpih; (pass.) sst meletup hingga berserpih: the explosion blew the building ~, ledakan itu menyebabkan bangunan tersebut meletup hingga berserpih; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pop 1 | vi 1.burst open with a short, sharp explosive sound, meletup: if you prick the balloon it will ~, jika kamu cucuk, belon itu akan meletup; when they are ripe, the seed-pods ~, apabila sudah masak, lenggai buah itu akan meletup; 2. make short, sharp, explosive sounds, meletup-letup: the motorcycle ~ped and clattered down the hill, motosikal itu meletup-letup dan berkeletak menuruni bukit; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
erupt | vi 1. (of volcano) emit rocks, lava, etc, meletup, meletus: the volcano ~ed before dawn, gunung berapi itu meletup sebelum subuh; 2. break out, meletus: riots ~ed in the major cities causing the government to declare a state of emergency, rusuhan meletus di bandar-bandar utama, menyebabkan kerajaan mengisytiharkan keadaan darurat; the tense situation could ~ into war, keadaan yg tegang itu mungkin meletus menjadi peperangan; 3. (colloq) become extremely angry, meletup: he ~ed when I told him how much I paid for the dress, dia meletup apabila saya memberitahunya berapa harga baju itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
backfire | vi 1. meletup(-letup), tersedak(-sedak): what is causing the motorcycle to ~?, apa yg menyebabkan motosikal ini meletup-letup saja?; 2. (fig.) menimbulkan /kesan, akibat/ yg bertentangan dgn yg /dirancang, dijangka/, berkesudahan sebaliknya: the conspiracy ~d, komplot itu berkesudahan sebaliknya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
smash | 6. (colloq) also smash hit meletup: his latest song became a ~, lagu terbarunya meletup; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blow1 | 10. burst, meletup: my front tyre blew when I was going at 100 kph, tayar depan kereta saya meletup semasa saya memandu dgn kelajuan 100 kmsj; 11. (US) boast, bercakap besar: he kept ~ing about his family’s wealth, dia asyik bercakap besar ttg kekayaan keluarganya; 12. (sl) leave suddenly, cabut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blow-out | n 1. (of fuse) terbakar; 2. (of tyre) meletup: we had a ~ at 100 kph, tayar kami meletup pd kelajuan 100 kmsj. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
set | ~ st off, a. cause st to explode, i. (explosive, bomb), (act.) menyebabkan sst meletup; (intentionally) meletupkan sst; (pass.) sst meletup: the IRA was accused of ~ting off the bomb, pihak IRA dituduh meletupkan bom itu; ii. (tear-gas bomb) melepaskan sst; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fireworks | n 1. fireworks display, pertunjukan bunga api; 2. (colloq) meletup-letup: you’d better get home – there’ll be ~ if you don’t go now, baik kamu balik sekarang – kalau tidak, meletup-letup nanti. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |