entwine | vt wind, twist, melilitkan, membelitkan: she ~d the pearls around her neck, dia melilitkan rantai mutiara pd lehernya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
twist | 4. twine, melilitkan: the nurse ~ed the bandage around his arm, jururawat itu melilitkan kain pembalut pd lengannya; she sat ~ing a lock of hair around her finger, dia duduk melilit-lilitkan sepintal rambutnya pd jarinya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
twirl | 2. twist spirally, melilitkan, membelitkan: Jean was sitting ~ing a lock of her long hair, Jean sedang duduk melilitkan sepintal rambutnya yg panjang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
wind2 | ~ st /around, round/, /membelitkan, melilitkan/ sst pd: she wound the rope around her waist and started climbing, dia melilitkan tali pd pinggangnya dan mula mendaki; ~ so. round o’s little finger, mengotak-ngatikkan sso; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
twine | vt melilitkan, membelitkan: she ~d a string of pearls round and round her neck, dia melilit-lilitkan seuntai mutiara pd lehernya; they braided her hair into two plaits and ~d them round her head, mereka mendandan rambutnya menjadi dua tocang dan melilitkannya di kepalanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pass | ~ st round, a. hand st around, mengedarkan sst: he took one and then ~ the biscuits round, dia mengambil sekeping, kemudian mengedarkan biskut itu; b. circulate st, menyebarkan sst: the story was ~ed round the office in no time, dlm sekejap masa sahaja cerita itu disebarkan di pejabat itu; c. make st go round, melilitkan sst pd: I ~ed the rope round the tree trunk a couple of times in order to get a firmer grip, saya melilitkan tali itu pd batang pokok beberapa kali utk mendapatkan pegangan yg lebih kukuh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
wind2 | vt 1. rotate about a pivot, memusingkan: you ~ this handle to open the window, kamu pusing pemegang ini utk membuka tingkap itu; 2. also ~ up, tighten spring of (watch, clock) by turning knob etc, mechanism, mengunci: I forgot to ~ the watch and it stopped, saya lupa hendak mengunci jam dan jam itu terhenti; 3. turn or twist (st) repeatedly round an object, melilitkan, membelitkan: the wool is wound into balls, benang bulu itu dililitkan menjadi bebola; she wound the scarf around her neck, dia melilitkan skarf itu di keliling lehernya; ~ itself, membelit; (accidentally) terbelit pd: the snake had wound itself around the table-leg, ular membelit kaki meja itu; the umbilical cord had wound itself around the baby’s neck, tali pusat telah terbelit pd leher bayi itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
firm1 | adj 1. solid, not yielding to pressure, tdk lembik; (of fruit , flesh, cushion) pejal: the refrigerator will keep the butter ~, kalau disimpan dlm peti sejuk, mentega tdk lembik; his stomach muscles were still ~, otot perutnya masih pejal; 2. secure, a. kukuh, teguh: it was difficult tofind a ~ foot-hold on the icy slope, susah mencari tempat berpijak yg kukuh pd cerun yg berais itu; he wound sticky tape round the broken chair leg till it was ~, dia melilitkan pita perekat pd kaki kerusi yg patah itu hingga kukuh; b. (fig.) kukuh, teguh, erat: there are ~ ties of friendship between our two countries, terdapat tali persahabatan yg erat antara kedua-dua negara kami; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |