fold1 | vt 1. sometimes ~ up, bend double, melipat: she ~ed the sheets, dia melipat cadar; ~ the paper in two, lipat dua kertas itu; 2. sometimes ~ back, ~ up, ~ away, cause to close up or bend, melipat: please ~ the table up and store it in the cupboard, tolong lipat meja itu dan simpan dlm almari; in the caravan the tables can be easily ~ed away, dlm karavan itu, meja-mejanya dapat dilipat dgn mudah; 3. bring (o’s hands together and cross) menaupkan: she ~ed her hands in her lap, dia menaupkan tangannya di pangkuan; ~ o’s arms, berpeluk tubuh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fold1 | 4. bring to rest close to body, (wing) menguncupkan; (leg) melipat: she sat with one leg ~ed under her, dia duduk dgn melipat sebelah kakinya; 5. often ~ in, wrap, enclose, membalut [sst, sso], membalutkan [sst pd / sst, sso/]: she ~ed the dress in tissue paper, dia membalut baju itu dgn kertas tisu; ~ the napkin around the cutlery, balutkan napkin pd sudu dan garpu; she ~ed a towel about the baby, dia membalutkan tuala pd bayi itu or dia membalut bayi itu dgn tuala; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jack -knife | vi melipat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
double | vt 1. make twice as much, menambahkan [sst] sekali ganda, menggandakan; (non-deliberate) bertambah sekali ganda, berganda: good farming methods ~d the output of rice, kaedah pertanian yg baik menambahkan hasil beras sekali ganda; his salary was ~d, gajinya telah digandakan; the baby has ~d its weight since I last saw her, berat badan bayi itu telah bertambah sekali ganda sejak saya melihatnya dahulu; 2. fold over, melipat dua: to ~ the material before cutting it, melipat dua kain itu sebelum mengguntingnya; 3. clench, mengepal, menggenggam: to ~ o’s fist, mengepal penumbuk; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
collapse | 3. break down, a. (of person’s health) terjejas: the strain caused his health to ~, ketegangan yg dialaminya menyebabkan kesihatannya terjejas; b. (of person) tersepuk; (in a faint) pengsan: he ~d after the race, dia pengsan selepas perlumbaan itu; ~ with laughter, ketawa pecah perut; ~d and died, jatuh lalu meninggal; 4. cave in, fall inward, (of blood vessel, lung) runtuh; (of parachute) menguncup; 5. (of apparatus etc) fold up, melipat: the tripod ~d as the screw was loosened, kaki tiga itu melipat apabila skru itu dilonggarkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bend | ~ back, a. (of person) melentikkan badan ke belakang: if you ~ too far back you’ll hurt your neck, jika kamu terlalu melentikkan badan ke belakang, leher kamu akan terkehel; b. (of collar etc) melentik ke belakang; ~ st back, a. (book) menekuk, melipat(kan): ~ing a book back will damage it, buku akan rosak jika ditekuk; b. (head) menengadahkan, mendongakkan, mencongakkan, melangutkan: he bent his head back to look at the crack in the ceiling, dia mendongakkan kepalanya utk melihat retak di siling; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lick | vt 1. pass tongue over a surface, menjilat: the cat ~ed the saucer clean, kucing itu menjilat piring sampai licin; he ~ed the stamp, dia menjilat setem; 2. (of flame, wave, etc) touch (st) lightly, menjilat: the flames were ~ing the roof, api menjilat bumbung itu; 3. (colloq) thrash, menyebat, memukul, menyesah: he deserves to be ~ed for being rude, dia patut disebat krn biadab; 4. (colloq) overcome, defeat, (act.) melipat; (pass.) kena lipat; (of problem) mengatasi: he was thoroughly ~ed, dia kena lipat betul-betul; he had this drinking problem for years but he has managed to ~ it, dia menghadapi masalah kuat minum sejak beberapa tahun tetapi berjaya mengatasinya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lick | vt 1. pass tongue over a surface, menjilat: the cat ~ed the saucer clean, kucing itu menjilat piring sampai licin; he ~ed the stamp, dia menjilat setem; 2. (of flame, wave, etc) touch (st) lightly, menjilat: the flames were ~ing the roof, api menjilat bumbung itu; 3. (colloq) thrash, menyebat, memukul, menyesah: he deserves to be ~ed for being rude, dia patut disebat krn biadab; 4. (colloq) overcome, defeat, (act.) melipat; (pass.) kena lipat; (of problem) mengatasi: he was thoroughly ~ed, dia kena lipat betul-betul; he had this drinking problem for years but he has managed to ~ it, dia menghadapi masalah kuat minum sejak beberapa tahun tetapi berjaya mengatasinya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |