stump | 3. (cricket) mematikan: the wicket keeper ~ed three batsmen in the innings, penjaga wiket mematikan tiga orang pemukul dlm pusingan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
clinch | vt 1. fix firmly, mematikan: to ~ a nail, mematikan paku; 2. settle conclusively, mencapai penyelesaian; (argument) mengunci: he was able to ~ the deal, dia berjaya mencapai penyelesaian dlm urus niaga itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
turn | ~ st off, (tap) menutup sst; (fan, radio, gas, etc), /menutup, mematikan/ sst; (apparatus producing heat or light), /menutup, mematikan, memadamkan/ sst: please ~ the tap off, tolong tutup paip itu; ~ the lights off when you leave the room, tutup lampu apabila kamu keluar dr bilik; the iron had not been ~ed off, seterika itu belum dimatikan; I forgot to ~ off the fire in the bedroom, saya terlupa memadamkan api elektrik bilik tidur; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
put | c. distract so. from activities, mengganggu sso; (from food) mematikan selera sso: the sudden movement ~ him off his game, gerakan yg tiba-tiba itu mengganggunya dlm permainannya; the smell from the drain ~ him off his food, bau dr longkang itu mematikan seleranya; d. discourage, (act.) menawarkan hati sso; (pass.) sso tawar hati: I’ve tried to ~ him off his plan, saya telah mencuba menawarkan hatinya utk menjalankan rancangan itu; he was ~ off eating oysters by getting one bad one, dia sudah tawar hati utk memakan tiram krn pernah termakan satu yg busuk; ~ so. off his stroke, membuat sso | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
shut | ~ st off, a. turn off st, menutup sst; (engine, motor, etc) mematikan: before he left he ~ off the electricity and gas, sebelum dia pergi dia menutup api dan gas; he turned the key and ~ off the motor, dia memusingkan anak kunci dan mematikan enjin motor itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
put | (lamp, radio), /mematikan, menutup/ sst: the sudden downpour ~ out the fire, hujan lebat yg turun dgn tiba-tiba itu memadamkan api; ~ out the light when you leave, matikan lampu apabila kamu keluar; c. extend st, menghulurkan sst; (head), /menjengukkan, menonjolkan/ kepala, menjenguk: he ~ out his foot and tripped me, dia menghulurkan kakinya dan saya terjatuh; ~ out your tongue for the doctor, hulurkan lidah utk doktor; he ~ his head out of the window, dia menjenguk dr jendela; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
switch | ~ st off, /menutup (suis), mematikan/ sst: he forgot to ~ off the lights when he went to bed, dia terlupa menutup lampu sebelum masuk tidur; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
quietus | n (fml or liter.) death, ajal: he got his ~ in an unexpected way, dia menemui ajalnya dgn cara yg tdk disangka-sangka; give st its ~, mematikan sst: she gave the false rumour its ~, dia mematikan khabar angin yg p | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
stop | ii. (by natural force), (act.) menyebabkan [sst] dihentikan, terhenti; (pass.) terhenti: rain ~ped play, hujan menyebabkan permainan dihentikan; d. (engine, machine) menghentikan, mematikan: I don’t know how to ~ the engine, saya tdk tahu bagaimana hendak mematikan enjin ini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
extinguish | vt 1. put out, (fire, light) memadamkan; (cigarette) mematikan, memadamkan: they tried to ~ the flames by dousing it, mereka mencuba memadamkan api dgn menyimbahkan air; he ~ed his cigarette when the “no smoking” sign came on, dia memadamkan api rokoknya apabila tanda isyarat “jangan merokok” dipasang; 2. destroy entirely, (act.) melenyapkan; (pass.) lenyap: the storm ~ed any hope of finding the boat, ribut melenyapkan segala harapan utk menjumpai bot itu; the bitter experience ~ed his burning passion for her, pengalaman yg getir itu melenyapkan rasa berahinya yg membara thdp wanita itu; 3. pay off (debt) membayar, melunaskan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |