nominate | vt 1. suggest, propose for election, competition, mencalonkan: six candidates were ~d for the committee, enam orang telah dicalonkan utk jawatankuasa itu; five films were ~d for the Oscar, lima buah filem dicalonkan utk memenangi Oskar; 2. appoint to office, melantik: the President ~d Mr. Jones to fill the vacancy, Presiden melantik En. Jones utk mengisi kekosongan itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
put | ~ up, lodge, menumpang, menginap, bermalam: they were forced to ~ up at the local inn, mereka terpaksa bermalam di rumah tumpangan di situ; ~ so. up, a. accomodate so., (fml) memberi sso penginapan: can you ~ me up for two nights?, bolehkah tuan memberi saya penginapan utk dua malam?; b. propose as candidate, mencalonkan sso, menamakan sso sbg calon: every party ~ up a candidate in the Prime Minister’s electorate, setiap parti menamakan seorang calon di kawasan pilihan raya Perdana Menteri; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |