gouge | vt make (hole) in st roughly, menebuk: some hooligan had ~d a hole in the notice board, ada budak jahat yg telah menebuk lubang pd papan kenyataan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
punch 2 | vt 1. pierce with a tool, menebuk; (ticket) mengetik: the blacksmith ~s holes in the horseshoe, tukang besi itu menebuk lubang pd ladam; the bus conductor ~ed their tickets, konduktor bas itu mengetik tiket mereka; 2. strike(button) on typewriter, computer, etc, menekan: ~ the second button on the right-side, tekan butang yg kedua di sebelah kanan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
perforate | vt 1. make a hole, menebuk, melubangi; (non-deliberate) menyebabkan [sst] berlubang: she ~d the cover of the jar so that the dragon-fly could breathe, dia menebuk tutup balang itu supaya pepatung tersebut dapat bernafas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gnaw | vt 1. bite continuously, menggerogot; (finger-nails) menggigit-gigit: the puppy ~ed the bone, anak anjing itu menggerogot tulang; 2. bite (way) through st, menebuk; (of ant beetle etc) membuat: a squirrel ~ed a hole in the coconut, tupai menebuk lubang pd buah kelapa itu; white ants have ~ed their way through the back of the cupboard, anai-anai membuat jalan menerusi belakang gerobok; 3. cause distress, anxiety to, menyeksa: sorrow ~ed his heart, kesedihan menyeksa jiwanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
broach | vt 1. bring up, introduce (subject) for discussion, menimbulkan: he ~ed the subject at the meeting, dia menimbulkan perkara itu dlm mesyuarat; 2. pierce (cask) to draw wine etc, menebuk: to ~ a cask of wine, menebuk tong wain. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
perforate | the sudden explosion had ~d their ear-drums, letupan yg tiba-tiba itu telah menyebabkan gegendang telinga mereka berlubang; 2. make series of holes for easy tearing, menebuk, membuat lelubang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
poke | vt 1. prod with st sharp, mencucuk, menojah, merodok; (with elbow) menyigung, menyinggung, menyiku: the naughty boy ~d the sick dog with a stick, budak nakal itu mencucuk anjing yg sakit dgn kayu; Teresa ~d Alice in the ribs to stop her giggling, Teresa menyigung rusuk Alice supaya dia berhenti mengekek; 2. make a hole in, menebuk: the child ~d the doll and pulled out the stuffing, kanak-kanak itu menebuk anak patung tersebut lalu mengeluarkan isinya; 3. prod or start a fire, menguit-nguit, menggodek-godek: she ~d the dying fire, adding dry leaves and twigs to it, dia menggodek-godek api yg hampir padam, sambil membubuh daun-daun dan ranting-ranting kering; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pierce | onak; c. (syringe) mencucuk: the injection is painful as the skin has first to be ~d with a needle, suntikan itu menyakitkan krn kulit mesti dicucuk dahulu dgn jarum; d. (bullet) menembusi: the bullet ~d his heart, peluru itu menembusi jantungnya; 2. make a hole in, menebuk, menembuk; (ears, nose, etc) menindik: the child ~d the lid of the box to let in air for the silkworms, kanak-kanak itu menebuk tutup kotak itu supaya ulat-ulat sutera itu mendapat udara; she went to a shop to have her ears ~d, dia pergi ke kedai utk | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hollow | vt usu ~ st out, [various translations]: the children ~ed out the pumpkins and put candles inside, budak-budak mengorek isi labu dan membubuh lilin di dalamnya; the dripping water had ~ed the rock, air yg menitis telah melekukkan batu itu; they ~ed out a whole tree and made it into a canoe, mereka menebuk batang pokok utk membuat kanu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |