wash | ~ down with, approp v + dgn/ meneguk, meminum/: they ~ed down their sandwiches with a mug of coffee, mereka memakan sandwic dgn meneguk kopi; the medicine was very bitter so he ~ed it down with tea, ubat itu terlalu pahit, jadi dia menelannya dgn meneguk air teh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
swig | vi (colloq) meneguk: they talked and ~ged whisky far into the night, mereka berbual dan meneguk wiski sehingga larut malam. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
quaff | vt (old-fashioned) meneguk dalam-dalam: he ~ed his wine, dia meneguk wainnya dalam-dalam. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
down1 | vt 1. menjatuhkan, menumbangkan: the wrestler ~ed his more powerful opponent, ahli gusti itu menjatuhkan lawannya yg lebih kuat; 2. (colloq) swallow, meneguk: she ~ed her drink quickly, dia meneguk minumannya cepat-cepat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
drink | n 1. liquid refreshment, minuman: hot ~, minuman panas; bottled ~s, minuman dlm botol; 2. a. amount of liquid suitable for drinking, [not translated]: he asked me for a ~ of water, dia meminta air pd saya; b. amount of liquid swallowed at one gulp, seteguk; take a ~ of st, meneguk sst: he took a ~ of his beer before turning around to face me, dia meneguk birnya sebelum berkalih menghadap saya; 3. alcoholic liquor, minuman keras, arak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |