direction | 3. management, supervision, tugas /mengarahkan, mengetuai/: the ~ of the project was entrusted to him, tugas mengarahkan projek itu dipertanggungjawabkan kepadanya; under /so’s ~, the ~ of so./, di bawah arahan sso; 4. way in which st develops, arah (sst); (in a certain field) haluan: the reforms fell short of expectations but they were a step in the right ~, usaha pemulihan itu tdk spt yg dijangka tetapi merupakan langkah yg positif ke arah itu; new ~s in drama, haluan baru dlm drama; 5. guiding principle, haluan: they were without ~ in their lives, kehidupan mereka tanpa haluan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
summon | 2. compel to do st, mengarahkan: the bell ~ed the students to assembly, loceng itu mengarahkan para pelajar supaya berhimpun; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
direct | 5. aim, menujukan: the comments were ~ed at a particular group, komen-komen itu ditujukan kpd kumpulan tertentu; 6. supervise, mengarahkan, mengetuai: he ~ed the whole operation, dia mengarahkan keseluruhan operasi itu; 7. (fml) order, mengarahkan: government servants have been ~ed to declare their assets, kakitangan kerajaan telah diarahkan mengisytiharkan aset mereka; 8. (film, play, etc) mengarahkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
train | 4. aim, mengarahkan, menghalakan; the camera was ~ed on her, kamera itu diarahkan padanya; the policeman kept his gun ~ed on the youth, polis itu tetap mengarahkan senapangnya pd pemuda tersebut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
turn | 9. direct (so’s attention, interest, etc) mengarahkan: the book ~s our attention to the plight of the peasants, buku itu mengarahkan perhatian kita kpd nasib petani-petani; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
turn | ~ st to st, a. direct st towards st, mengarahkan sst kpd sst: Dickens sought to ~ public attention to the plight of the poor, Dickens mencuba mengarahkan perhatian umum kpd keadaan susah orang-orang miskin; b. switch o’s attention to st, mengalihkan sst kpd sst: next he ~ed his attention to the state of the transport industry, selepas itu dia mengalihkan perhatiannya kpd keadaan industri pengangkutan; c. transform st into st, mengubah sst kpd sst: the unexpected disaster ~ed their rejoicings to mourning, kemalangan yg tdk disangka-sangka itu mengubah kegembiraan kpd kedukaan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
halt 1 | vt 1. cause to stop marching, journeying, etc, mengarahkan supaya berhenti: the captain ~ed his men at the top of the hill, kapten itu mengarahkan orang-orangnya supaya berhenti di atas puncak bukit itu; 2. cause to discontinue, (act.) menyebabkan terhenti; (pass.) terhenti; (deliberately) menghentikan: heavy rain ~ed play for an hour, hujan lebat menyebabkan permainan terhenti selama sejam; to find ways to ~ corruption, mencari jalan utk menghentikan rasuah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
aim | ~ at, a. direct (gun) towards, /membidik, menenang/ ke arah; b. direct (blow, kick, missile etc) towards, mengarahkan + approp n pd: she ~ed at his head but hit the wall instead, dia mengarahkan pinggan itu kpd kepala lelaki itu tetapi terkena dinding; c. have as o’s objective, mempunyai matlamat; (position, job) /berhasrat, bercita-cita/ utk: a country that ~s at becoming the world’s largest producer of palm oil, sebuah negara yg mempunyai matlamat utk menjadi pengeluar minyak kelapa sawit yg terbesar di dunia; he ~ed at the prime ministership, dia berhasrat utk menjadi perdana menteri; ~ st at, see vt. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
stack | 4. also ~ up, instruct (aircraft) to fly round at different heights while waiting to land, mengarahkan [kapal terbang] terbang berlegar bersusun-susun: the control tower had to ~ about twenty aircraft until the runways were cleared of snow, menara kawalan terpaksa mengarahkan lebih kurang dua puluh buah pesawat terbang berlegar bersusun-susun sehingga salji dibersihkan dr landasan-landasan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
order | 2. (ask that st be done) menyuruh; (instruct that st be done) mengarahkan; (command that st be done) memerintahkan; (of royalty) menitahkan: the Chairman ~ed silence, Pengerusi menyuruh para hadirin diam; the Prime Minister ~ed an enquiry into the matter, Perdana Menteri mengarahkan supaya penyiasatan dibuat ttg perkara itu; the general who ~ed the retreat, jeneral yg memerintahkan pengunduran tersebut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |