keep | 11. employ (servant) menggaji: under the present circumstances, they cannot possibly afford to ~ a cook and a driver, dlm keadaan sekarang, tdk mungkin mereka mampu menggaji seorang tukang masak dan seorang drebar; 12. raise | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
employ | vt 1. give work to, usu for payment, menggaji, mengambil [sso] bekerja: he ~s five men on the farm, dia menggaji lima orang pekerja di ladang itu;2. make use of, menggunakan: she ~s her spare time in sewing, dia menggunakan masa lapangnya dgn menjahit;he ~s only the most modern equipment, dia hanya menggunakan kelengkapan yg paling moden; 3. (colloq) occupy (os) mengisi /waktu, masa/: he ~s himself by painting, dia mengisi waktunya dgn melukis; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
assistant | n penolong, pembantu: to employ an ~, menggaji seorang penolong; laboratory ~, pembantu makmal; ~ librarian, penolong pustakawan; ~ minister, menteri muda. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
get | e. overcome (problem, obstacle, difficulty, etc), (dapat) mengatasi: she got over the problem by employing an accounts clerk, dia mengatasi masalah itu dgn menggaji seorang kerani akaun; f. become happy again after losing the love of, melupakan: she never got over her ex-fiancé, dia tdk dapat melupakan bekas tunangnya; g. fully appreciate, believe, (st that surprises one) sukar utk mempercayai; (st that shocks one) tdk dapat menerima: we can’t ~ over the news that he is finally getting married, | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
image | 4. mental picture, bayangan: she tried to dismiss his ~ from her mind, dia mencuba melenyapkan bayangan lelaki itu dr fikirannya; 5. general concept or opinion of person, political party, organization, etc, imej: the president hired public relations men to improve his ~, presiden itu menggaji pegawai perhubungan awam utk membaiki imejnya; 6. personification, contoh: he is the ~ of health, dialah contoh orang yg sihat; 7. metaphor, simile, imej. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |