Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[meng.ha.ya.ti] | مڠحياتي

Definisi : mengalami dan merasai (dlm batin), meresapkan ke dlm jiwa: matlamat akhirnya ialah utk ~ nilai-nilai akhlak; (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

[meng.ha.ya.ti] | مڠحياتي

Definisi : mengalami dan merasai sesuatu dlm batin: Dia sedang ~ cerita yg dibacanya itu (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
Kata Terbitan : menghayati, penghayatan,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

feelinghave a ~ for, dapat menghayati: he has a ~ for fine buildings, dia dapat menghayati bangunan-bangunan yg indah; have a ~ that, rasa bahawa: I have a ~ that he’s not sincere, saya rasa bahawa dia tdk jujur; with ~, dgn penuh perasaan: he sang the final song with ~, dia menyanyikan lagu yg terakhir itu dgn penuh perasaan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
commune 1vi (liter.) berhubung; (with Nature) menghayati: to ~ with the dead, berhubung dgn roh orang-orang yg telah mati; he would go up the mountain to ~ with Nature, dia akan naik ke gunung utk menghayati alam semula jadi.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
toothget o’s teeth into (st), (colloq) menghayati, menjiwai: I would like a job I can get my teeth into, saya menyukai kerja yg dapat saya jiwai;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
appreciation4. enjoyment, tahu menikmati; (work of art, music, etc) penikmatan, penghayatan, tahu /menikmati, menghayati/: known for his ~ of good food, dia dikenali sbg orang yg tahu menikmati makanan yg sedap-sedap; to have no ~ of modern art, tdk tahu menikmati seni lukis moden; 5. increase (in value) kenaikan (nilai): an ~ in the value of gold, kenaikan nilai emas; 6. review of book, play etc, ulasan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
soul 5. (of nation, people, etc) jiwa: no other book has captured the ~ of the Kalahari nomads like this, tdk ada buku yg telah dapat menghayati jiwa kaum nomad Kalahari spt buku ini;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
appreciateeveryone ~s a rest after a hard day’s work, semua orang suka kalau dapat berehat setelah bekerja giat sepanjang hari; b. (st that has aesthetic, artistic appeal), (dapat) menikmati; (work of art, music, etc) dapat /menikmati, menghayati/: to ~ the view, you’ll have to go to the top of the hill, utk menikmati pemandangan sekitar, kamu harus naik ke puncak bukit; to ~ classical music, menghayati muzik klasik;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
laymann non-professional, amateur, (orang yg) tdk profesional dlm + approp n: although he is only a ~ he has keen appreciation of art, walaupun dia tdk profesional dlm seni lukis, dia dapat menghayati lukisan dgn baik.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
laymann non-professional, amateur, (orang yg) tdk profesional dlm + approp n: although he is only a ~ he has keen appreciation of art, walaupun dia tdk profesional dlm seni lukis, dia dapat menghayati lukisan dgn baik.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
square10. (old-fashioned & colloq) conventional and old-fashioned,, (agak) /kolot, ketinggalan zaman/: the children felt that their parents were too ~ to appreciate such music,, anak-anak itu berasa bahawa ibu bapa mereka terlalu kolot utk menghayati muzik begitu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
literaladj 1. word for word, harfiah: a ~ translation, terjemahan harfiah; 2. not figurative or metaphorical, literal, sebenar: the ~ meaning of a word, makna literal sst perkataan; 3. not imaginative, lurus; (in interpretation of music etc) menunjukkan sso tdk menghayati sst: he has a rather ~ mind, dia orang yg berfikiran lurus; her rendering of the music is rather ~, cara dia memainkan muzik itu menunjukkan dia tdk menghayati sst; 4. consisting of, indicated by letters, huruf: to give ~ grades, not numerical ones, memberikan gred huruf bukan gred angka; 5. accurate, genuine, benar: it is a ~ fact that egalitarianism is difficult to achieve, adalah satu kenyataan yg benar bahawa egalitarianisme sukar dicapai.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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