peel | vt remove outer covering of ( fruit etc ) mengopek, mengupas; ( bark ) mengopek: would you please ~ the potatoes?, bolehkah kamu tolong kupas kentang itu?; to ~ the bark from a tree, mengopek kulit kayu dr pokoknya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
shell | vt 1. remove husk, pod, etc, mengopek, mengupas: the children ~ed the groundnuts, kanak-kanak itu mengopek kacang tanah; 2. remove kernels from a cob or ear, /menceraikan, mengasingkan/ biji: the corn is sent to a mill to be ~ed, jagung dihantar ke kilang utk diasingkan bijinya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hull | vt remove the outer covering of, a. (grain) menguliti, membuang sekam: the machine ~s the paddy, mesin itu menguliti padi; b. (peas) mengopek. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
husk | vt remove covering of a. (grains) membuang sekam; (using machine) memesin; (by pounding) menumbuk: to ~ paddy, menumbuk padi; b. (coconut, ear of corn) mengopek. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
peel | ~ off, a. come away, terkopek, tertanggal: the paper was ~ing off the wall, kertas itu terkopek dr dinding tersebut; b. ( aircraft, marches, etc ) melencong: a section of the parade ~s off and forms a guard of honour, sebahagian drpd kumpulan perbarisan itu melencong membentuk barisan kawalan kehormat; ~ st off, a. remove st, mengopek sst: he ~ed off part of the skin of the mandarin and took a piece, dia mengopek sebahagian drpd kulit limau mandarin itu dan mengambil seulas; b. take off clothing, menanggalkan sst: he was drenched to the skin and ~ed off several layers of wet clothing, dia basah kuyup lalu menanggalkan pakaian basahnya yg berlapis-lapis itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
peel | ~ away, a. come off in strips or flakes, terkopek, terkelupas: the paint has ~ed and the wall looks a mess, cat itu terkopek dan dinding kelihatan buruk; b. ( plane ) veer away, melencong: the planes ~ed away in turn to dive over the target, kapal-kapal terbang itu melencong secara bergilir-gilir utk menjunam ke arah sasaran; ~ st away, remove outer covering , /mengopek, mengupas/ sst: after you ~ away the outer skin of the onion, you will find you have to remove several more layers, selepas kamu mengopek kulit luar bawang, kamu akan dapati bahawa kamu kena membuang beberapa lapisan lagi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |