rising | adj 1. (of ground) sloping upwards, menaik; 2. growing a. (in status, reputation, etc), /sedang, semakin/ meningkat: a ~ young lawyer, peguam muda yg sedang meningkat; a ~ rate of inflation, kadar inflasi yg sedang meningkat; b. (in sound) semakin kuat; c. (in feeling) semakin bertambah: the ~ hatred, kebencian yg semakin bertambah; 3. advancing to adulthood, meningkat dewasa: the ~ generation, generasi yg meningkat dewasa; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
rocket | vi 1. also ~ up, increase rapidly, naik menjulang, meningkat: oil prices are ~ing up, harga minyak naik menjulang; 2. rise rapidly, meningkat: he ~ed to fame after winning the award, dia meningkat menjadi masyhur selepas memenangi anugerah itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ageing | adj 1. becoming old, meningkat tua: her ~ husband, suaminya yg meningkat tua; 2. rel to growing old, tua: to slow down the ~ process, melambatkan proses tua; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
mount | vi 1. increase, meningkat, bertambah; (of concern, tension, work, etc) bertambah: prices keep ~ing daily, harga terus meningkat setiap hari; excitement was ~ing as the home team scored goal after goal, keterujaan | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
advance | vi 1. move forward, a. (in positon) mara: the search-party has ~d two miles upstream, pasukan penyelamat telah mara dua batu ke hulu; the flood waters ~d slowly, air bah beransur-ansur mara; b. (of night) semakin /larut, jauh/: as the night ~d, we became more worried, semakin larut malam, kami semakin bimbang; c. (of evening) semakin /kelam, gelap/; d. (of day) berlalu; 2. progress, meningkat maju: a country that has ~d tremendously since independence, negara yg telah meningkat maju dgn pesat sejak kemerdekaan; he ~d rapidly under the new management, dia meningkat maju dgn cepat di bawah pengurusan baru; 3. rise, meningkat; (of price, cost) meningkat, naik: sales ~d steadily, jualan terus meningkat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
line 1 | bring st into ~, menyelaraskan sst: to bring wages into ~ with rising prices, menyelaraskan gaji dgn harga yg meningkat; down the ~, (esp US), (colloq) completely, fully, sepenuhnya: we decided to support her down the ~ on that issue, kami memutuskan utk menyokong dia sepenuhnya ttg isu itu; fall into ~, mengikut: they were against the idea at first but in the end fell into ~, pd mulanya mereka menentang gagasan itu tetapi akhirnya mengikut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
line 1 | bring st into ~, menyelaraskan sst: to bring wages into ~ with rising prices, menyelaraskan gaji dgn harga yg meningkat; down the ~, (esp US), (colloq) completely, fully, sepenuhnya: we decided to support her down the ~ on that issue, kami memutuskan utk menyokong dia sepenuhnya ttg isu itu; fall into ~, mengikut: they were against the idea at first but in the end fell into ~, pd mulanya mereka menentang gagasan itu tetapi akhirnya mengikut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
climb | vi 1. slope upwards, mendaki, menanjak: the road ~s at that point, jalan mendaki dr tempat itu; 2. rise, naik; (of sun) meninggi: the aircraft ~ed to 5,000 metres, kapal terbang itu naik ke paras 5,000 meter; 3. clamber, memanjat: they ~ed one after the other, mereka memanjat seorang lepas seorang; the cat ~ed onto the roof, kucing itu memanjat naik ke bumbung; I thought I saw a man ~ out of the window, saya rasa saya nampak seorang lelaki memanjat keluar dr tingkap itu; 4. increase, meningkat, naik: oil prices have ~ed rapidly, harga minyak telah meningkat dgn cepatnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inflate | vi 1. become filled with air or gas, mengembung, menggembung, menggelembung; 2. (of price etc) naik, meningkat: building costs have ~d considerably, kos bangunan naik dgn banyaknya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
organization | n 1. organized body, organisasi; (club, group, society, etc) pertubuhan, organisasi: our profits have increased twofold since he joined our ~, keuntungan kami telah meningkat dua kali ganda sejak dia mula bekerja di organisasi kami; charitable ~s, pertubuhan-pertubuhan amal; 2. act of, a. (making all the necessary arrangements for st) pengurusan, mengurus, mengatur; (concert, seminar, talk, etc) penganjuran, menganjurkan: he was responsible for the ~ of the meeting, dia bertanggungjawab dlm mengurus mesyuarat itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |