blow1 | 5. direct air-current at, meniup, menghembus: he blew the fire into a good blaze, dia meniup api itu hingga marak; 6. make or give shape by the action of air, meniup: to ~ glass into many shapes, meniup kaca menjadi berbagai-bagai bentuk; to ~ bubbles, meniup buih (sabun); 7. (fuse) terbakar: the washing machine blew a fuse, fius mesin basuh itu terbakar; 8. burst, meletup: the car blew a tyre on the way, tayar kereta itu meletup dlm perjalanan; I blew a tyre at 150 kph, tayar kereta saya meletup semasa saya memandu selaju 150 kmsj; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blow1 | vt 1. drive with a current of air, meniup: the boat was ~n ashore by the wind, bot itu ditiup angin ke pantai; a sudden breeze blew the smoke into the house, bayu tiba-tiba meniup asap itu ke dlm rumah; 2. expel through the mouth or nose, menghembuskan: he blew smoke rings, dia menghembuskan kepulan-kepulan asap; 3. clear or empty by forcing air through, menghembus: to ~ o’s nose, menghembus hidung; 4. cause to sound by blowing, meniup: the hunter blew his horn, pemburu itu meniup tetuangnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blow1 | n 1. a blast, tiupan; (of wind) tiupan angin: a ~ from the referee’s whistle, tiupan wisel pengadil; the loud ~ of his horn, tiupan honnya yg kuat; give st a ~, meniup sst: he gave the fire a ~ with the bellows, dia meniup api itu dgn pengangin; give o’s nose a ~, menghembus /hidung, hingus/; 2. storm, badai: recurrent ~s swept the coast, badai yg berulang-ulang melanda pantai itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inflate | vt 1. fill with air or gas, mengembungkan, menggembungkan, menggelembungkan; (with the use of a pump) mengepam; (by blowing) meniup: pull this cord to ~ the life-jacket, tarik tali ini utk mengembungkan jaket keselamatan; to ~ a tyre, mengepam tayar; to ~ a balloon, meniup belon; 2. (econ) raise (prices) menaikkan: this wage rise will only ~ prices further, kenaikan gaji ini hanya akan menaikkan harga barang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
whistle | vi 1. utter a shrill clear sound by blowing through puckered lips etc, bersiul: he ~d as he worked, dia bersiul sambil bekerja; birds were whistling in the trees outside his window, burung-burung bersiul di celah pokok-pokok di luar tingkapnya; 2. make a whistling sound esp due to rapid movement, berbunyi, bersiul; (of bullet) bersiung: the wind ~d in the sails, angin berbunyi meniup layar; the kettle ~s when it boils, cerek itu bersiul apabila airnya menggelegak; a bullet ~d past his ear, sebutir peluru bersiung melewati telinganya; 3. make a high clear sound by forcing steam etc through a device, membunyikan peluit: the train ~d as it approached the station, kereta api itu membunyikan peluitnya semasa menghampiri stesen; 4. make a loud sound by blowing a whistle, meniup wisel: the umpire ~d and the game stopped, pengadil meniup wisel dan permainan itu pun tamat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blow1 | ~ on, meniup, menghembus: he blew on his burnt fingers, dia menghembus jarinya yg terkena api; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
whistle | n 1. instrument, device for making a shrill high-pitched sound, wisel: the policeman blew his ~ to halt the traffic, polis meniup wiselnya utk menahan lalu lintas; the referee’s ~, wisel pengadil; 2. shrill sound made by the forceful expulsion of air, siulan; (of bullet) bunyi siung: at his master’s ~, the dog came running, anjing itu berlari kpd tuannya apabila mendengar siulannya; listen to the bird’s ~, dengarlah siulan burung itu; /give, let out/ a ~, bersiul: he gave a loud ~ of delight, dia bersiul kuat krn kegirangan; 3. whistling sound of st, bunyi [sst], siulan: I stood listening to the ~ of the wind, saya berdiri mendengar bunyi angin; the kettle’s ~ could be heard all over the house, bunyi cerek itu dapat didengar di seluruh rumah; 4. device through which steam is forced into a cavity to produce a shrill sound, peluit: the train’s ~ sounded at the crossing, peluit kereta api itu berbunyi sewaktu tiba di lintasan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bubble | n 1. ball of liquid containing gas or air, gelembung, buih: soap ~s, /buih, gelembung/ sabun; blow ~s, meniup /buih, gelembung/ sabun; 2. air-filled cavity in liquid or solid, gelembung; (in carbonated drinks and certain wines) buih, busa: the glass is flawed by small ~s, kaca itu dicacati gelembung-gelembung kecil; ~s rising in champagne, buih-buih yg naik dlm champagne; 3. unrealized hope, dream, impian: his ~ has burst, impiannya telah musnah; 4. undependable scheme, rancangan yg goyah: the South Sea ~, rancangan Laut Selatan yg goyah; 5. sound of bubble, bunyi gelegak: we could hear the ~ of the kettle, kami dapat mendengar bunyi gelegak dr cerek itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blow1 | vi 1. (of wind, air) bertiup, berhembus: the wind blew strongly all night, angin bertiup kencang sepanjang malam; 2. (of wind instrument) ditiup; 3. be moved or carried by wind or air, [v] ditiup angin: the door blew open, pintu itu terbuka ditiup angin; her hair was ~ing in the wind, rambutnya menggerbang ditiup angin; his papers blew all over the place, kertas-kertasnya melayang-layang ditiup angin ke serata tempat; 4. expel current of air, menghembus, meniup: he blew in my face, dia menghembus muka saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inflation | n 1. (econ) inflasi; 2. act of, a. (filling with air or gas) pengembungan, penggembungan, penggelembungan; (with the use of a pump) mengepam; (by blowing) peniupan, meniup; b. raising (prices) penaikan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |