disabuse | vt menyedarkan, menginsafkan: he ~d them of their prejudices, dia menyedarkan mereka drpd prasangka mereka; ~ so’s mind, /menyedarkan, menginsafkan/ sso. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
enlighten | vt 1. give information, understanding, menyedarkan: he ~ed me on the subject, dia menyedarkan saya ttg perkara itu;2. give spiritual, religious revelation to, memakrifatkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
revive | vt 1. bring (so.) back to consciousness, menyedarkan (semula): she helped to ~ the girl who had fainted, dia menolong menyedarkan budak perempuan yg pengsan itu; 2. reactivate, put into use again, menghidupkan /semula, kembali/: an old custom that has been ~d, adat lama yg telah dihidupkan semula; efforts to ~ the traditional Malay costumes, usaha-usaha utk menghidupkan semula pakaian Melayu tradisional; 3. perform (an old play) again, mementaskan semula. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
wake 1 | ~ /so., st/ to, (fig.) menyedarkan/ sso, sst/ ttg: we must ~ the nation to the danger of an armed invasion, kita mesti menyedarkan negeri ini akan bahaya serangan bersenjata; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bring | ~ so. to, menyedarkan sso: he has fainted, try to ~ him to, dia pengsan, cubalah sedarkan dia; ~ so. to his knees, menyebabkan sso jatuh melutut: the blow brought the poor boy to his knees, pukulan itu menyebabkan budak tersebut jatuh melutut; ~ st to /a close, an end/, /mengakhiri, menamatkan/ sst; ~ st crashing to the ground, menyebabkan sst /runtuh, roboh/; (tree etc) menyebabkan sst tumbang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
resuscitate | vt (fml) menyedarkan semula: the lifeguards ~d him by artificial respiration, anggota penyelamat menyedarkannya semula melalui pernafasan artifisial. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
earth | bring so. back to ~, (act.) menyedarkan sso drpd /lamunannya, khayalannya/, menyebabkan sso /tersedar, tersentak/ drpd lamunannya; (pass.) sso /tersentak, tersedar/ drpd /lamunannya, khayalannya/; come /back, down/ to ~, kembali ke alam nyata; down to ~, (bersifat) realistik; go to ~, menyembunyikan diri, bersembunyi: he went to ~ after the abortive coup, dia menyembunyikan diri selepas perampasan kuasa yg gagal itu; un to ~, a. (animal) /mengejar, memburu/ [n] hingga ke lubangnya; b. (person) /menemui, mendapati/ [n] selepas mencari-cari; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bring | ~ so. round, a. revive so., menyedarkan sso: they brought him round with a dash of water, mereka menyedarkannya dgn sejirus air; b. persuade so., meyakinkan sso: he brought his father round to his opinion, dia meyakinkan bapanya supaya menerima pendapatnya; ~ st round, a. cause st to be delivered etc, membawa sst: the postman ~s round the letters twice a day, posmen membawa surat dua kali sehari; b. cause st to turn, (boat), /mengalih, mengubah/ haluan sst; (conversation), /mengarahkan, mengalih/ sst: he brought the boat round and headed for home, dia mengalih haluan perahunya dan menuju ke rumah; she brought the conversation round to less sensitive topics, dia mengarahkan perbualan itu kpd perkara-perkara yg tdk begitu sensitif; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
life | bring to ~, a. restore to consciousness, menyedarkan: artificial respiration brought him to ~, pernafasan beradas menyedarkannya; b. make lively, exciting, memeriahkan, menghidupkan: I’m glad he came. He really brought the party to ~, saya gembira dia datang. Dia benar-benar telah memeriahkan majlis; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
life | bring to ~, a. restore to consciousness, menyedarkan: artificial respiration brought him to ~, pernafasan beradas menyedarkannya; b. make lively, exciting, memeriahkan, menghidupkan: I’m glad he came. He really brought the party to ~, saya gembira dia datang. Dia benar-benar telah memeriahkan majlis; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |