number one | n 1. the most important person, orang nombor satu: who’s the ~ in this organization?, siapakah orang nombor satu dlm organisasi ini?; 2. the best, nombor satu: the ~ ballet dancer in the world, penari balet nombor satu di dunia; 3. the most important, nombor satu: public enemy ~, musuh nombor satu orang awam; 4. (colloq) oneself, dirinya (sendiri): he only thinks of ~, dia hanya memikirkan dirinya sendiri. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
number | n 1. symbol or word that indicates a numeral, nombor: 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 are odd ~s, 1, 3, 5, 7 dan 9 ialah nombor ganjil; this ~ is divisible by 4, nombor ini boleh dibahagikan dgn 4; 2. numeral identifying person or thing in a series, nombor: telephone ~, nombor telefon; the registration ~ of the car, nombor pendaftaran kereta; 3. (usu in abbreviated form), (before a figure or figures) no.; (indic size) saiz: they live at no. 5, Jalan Dang Wangi, mereka tinggal di no. 5, Jalan Dang Wangi; ~ 5 shoe, kasut saiz 5; 4. amount, quantity, bilangan: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
unlucky | 2. bringing misfortune, tdk bertuah: he was born under an ~ star, dia lahir di bawah bintang yg tdk bertuah; 7 is my ~ number, nombor 7 ialah nombor yg tdk bertuah bagi saya | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
number | ~ off, menyebut nombor: the soldiers ~ed off from the right, askar-askar itu menyebut nombor bermula dgn sebelah kanan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
refer | she ~red to the dictionary for the meaning, dia merujuk kpd kamus utk makna perkataan itu; don’t ~ to the clock in the hall; it’s slow, jangan berpandukan jam di dlm dewan itu; jam itu lambat; 4. have relation to, merujuk; (discovery, idea, event) menganggap: the numbers ~ to the footnotes, nombor-nombor itu merujuk kpd nota kaki; observers ~ed to the event as the turning point in the economy, pemerhati-pemerhati menganggap peristiwa itu sbg titik perubahan ekonomi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
chalk | vt 1. also mark, outline with chalk, menanda [sst] dgn kapur: to ~ lines on the tennis court, menanda garisan di gelanggang tenis dgn kapur; 2. write with chalk, menulis [sst] dgn kapur: to ~ different numbers on the boxes, menulis nombor-nombor yg berlainan pd kotak-kotak itu dgn kapur; 3. also ~ out, draw with chalk, /melukis, melakar/ dgn kapur: to ~ a rough map on the blackboard, melukis peta ringkas dgn kapur di papan hitam; 4. whiten, rub with chalk, mengapuri: he ~ed the end of his cue, dia mengapuri hujung kayu kiunya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
wrong | /have, get/ the ~ number, tersalah nombor: I’m afraid you’ve got the ~ number, saya rasa kamu tersalah nombor; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
finish | b. finish race etc (in certain position) mendapat tempat; (colloq) mendapat nombor: Bulgaria ~ed third in the high jump, Bulgaria mendapat tempat ketiga or mendapat nombor tiga dlm acara lompat tinggi; where did Zaitun ~?, Zaitun mendapat tempat keberapa?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
god | G~ damn you, haram jadah, celaka kamu; G~ help so., Tuhan melindungi sso; G~’s gift to women, jantan nombor satu di dunia: he thinks he is G~’s gift to women, dia fikir dia jantan nombor satu di dunia; G~ willing, jika dizinkan Tuhan; (in Islam) Insya-Allah, jika diizinkan Allah; by G~, (colloq) Ya Tuhan, Ya Rabbi; for G~’s sake, tolonglah; good G~, my G~, oh G~, G~ in Heaven, Ya Tuhan; (in Islam) Ya Allah, Ya Rabbi; /how, what, why/ in G~’s name, [not translated]: why in G~’s name didn’t you go to the police?, kenapalah kamu tdk pergi pd polis?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
binary | n nombor binar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |