neighbour, (US) neighbor | n 1. one who lives near, next to another, jiran, tetangga: my next-door ~, jiran sebelah rumah; 2. person, thing next to another, approp n + yg di sebelah: my ~ at dinner, orang yg di sebelah saya semasa makan malam; the picture cannot be compared with its ~ in the exhibition, gambar itu tdk boleh dibandingkan dgn gambar yg di sebelahnya dlm pameran itu; 3. adjacent country, negara /jiran, tetangga/: Malaysia and its ~s, Malaysia dan negara-negara jirannya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lose | b. (o’s home, livelihood, etc) kehilangan, hilang: thousands of people lost their homes in the earthquake, beribu-ribu orang kehilangan rumah dlm gempa bumi itu; he lost his job due to the recession, dia kehilangan pekerjaan akibat kemelesetan; c. (part of body) kehilangan, hilang: he lost an arm in the accident, dia kehilangan sebelah tangan dlm kemalangan itu or tangannya hilang sebelah dlm kemalangan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
shoe | n 1. outer covering for foot, kasut, sepatu: the right ~ seems a little tight, kasut sebelah kanan rasanya ketat sedikit; in Malaysia you should take your ~s off before going into someone’s house, di Malaysia seharusnya menanggalkan kasut sebelum masuk rumah orang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
occupant | n 1. person who lives or works (in a building) penghuni; (in a house) penghuni, orang yg /tinggal di, mendiami, menghuni, menduduki/ [rumah]: the ~ of the room next to mine, penghuni bilik sebelah; 2. person who is in (hotel, hotel room, motel, etc) penginap; (car, bus, etc) penumpang; (bed, chair, etc) orang yg + approp v: the three ~s of the car were killed, ketiga-tiga penumpang kereta itu terbunuh; the ~ of the lower bunk was fast asleep, orang yg tidur di ranjang sebelah bawah itu nyenyak sekali. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
coming | n kedatangan: his ~ here was unexpected, kedatangannya ke mari tdk disangka-sangka; the ~ of winter, kedatangan musim sejuk; ~s and goings, (approp n +) keluar masuk: she watched in fascination the ~s and goings of the guests, dia melihat tetamu-tetamu keluar masuk dgn asyiknya; there was a lot of ~s and goings in the house next door, banyak kali orang keluar masuk di rumah sebelah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
generality | n 1. general statement, /perkara, hal/ umum: he confines himself to generalities when speaking to the press, dia membataskan diri pd perkara-perkara umum apabila bercakap dgn wartawan; 2. (liter.) pleasantry, basa-basi: their conversation began with various generalities about the state of the garden nextdoor, perbualan mereka bermula dgn basa-basi ttg keadaan laman rumah sebelah; 3. (fml) quality of being general, sifat umum; 4. the ~, (fml) majority, most, majoriti: the ~ of Asians have black hair, majoriti orang Asia berambut hitam. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
body | n 1. physical structure of human being or animal, badan, tubuh; (excluding head and limbs) badan: both legs were badly injured, but there wasn’t a scratch on his ~, kedua-dua belah kakinya cedera parah, tetapi badannya tdk apa-apa; 2. (colloq) person, individual, orang: Mrs. Smith is a friendly old ~, who lives next door, Puan Smith ialah orang yg ramah-tamah yg tinggal di rumah sebelah; 3. dead body, corpse, a. (of human being) mayat; (derog) bangkai; (respectfully) jenazah: the President’s ~ was taken to Washington for burial, jenazah mendiang Presiden dibawa ke Washington utk dikebumikan; b. (of animal) bangkai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
outside | n outer part, bahagian luar: the ~ of the house has not been painted, bahagian luar rumah itu belum dicat lagi; at the (very) ~, paling + approp adj or v: it should cost $50.00 at the ~, paling mahal, harganya $50.00; there were 2,000 people there at the very ~, paling banyak, ada 2,000 orang di situ; they should arrive here by six o’clock at the ~, paling lewat, mereka akan tiba pd pukul enam; from the ~, dari luar: the door opens from the ~, pintu itu dibuka dr luar; on the ~, a. on the outer part, /bahagian, sebelah/ luarnya/, di /bahagian, sebelah/ luar: a jacket with fur on the ~, jaket yg bahagian luarnya berbulu or jaket yg berbulu di bahagian luar; b. world outside an institution, prison, etc, di luar: life on the ~, kehidupan di luar; c. on side nearest the centre, di lorong luar: you should overtake on the ~, potonglah di lorong luar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |