guide | n 1. so. who shows the way, esp so. hired to do so, pemandu: tourist ~, pemandu pelancong; we need native ~s for the expedition, kami memerlukan pemandu orang asli utk ekspedisi itu; Sherpa ~s, pemandu bangsa Sherpa; 2. adviser, pembimbing: she is both friend and ~, dia ialah kawan dan juga pembimbing; 3. st that helps one plan an action, form an opinion, etc, panduan, petunjuk: the data we’ve collected can only be used as a rough ~, data yg kami kumpul hanya dapat digunakan sbg panduan kasar; 4. guidebook, buku panduan: a ~ to Malaysia, buku panduan ke Malaysia; 5. handbook, buku panduan: a ~ to vegetable growing, buku panduan menanam sayur; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
companion 1 | n 1. one who associates or is always with another, teman: travelling ~s, teman seperjalanan; a close ~, teman rapat; ~s in misfortune, teman senasib; ~s in arms, teman seperjuangan; 2. one employed to keep another (usu elderly) company, teman; 3. st that is one of a pair, gu: the ~ to this volume is missing, gu jilid ini telah hilang; 4. handbook, buku /panduan, pedoman/: the Motorists’ C~, Buku Panduan Pemandu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
guidance | n 1. advice, help, bimbingan: the children need the ~ of an older person, kanak-kanak itu memerlukan bimbingan orang yg lebih tua; career ~, bimbingan kerjaya; child ~, bimbingan kanak-kanak; 2. leadership, direction, pimpinan: the club flourished under his ~, kelab itu bertambah maju di bawah pimpinannya; 3. process of controlling the flight path of (missile) panduan: missile launching and ~ system, sistem pelancaran dan panduan misil. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
count 1 | vt 1. call out numbers in order, /mengira, membilang/ hingga: she closed her eyes and ~ed ten, dia menutup mata dan membilang hingga sepuluh; 2. find the total of, mengira, menghitung: he ~ed the number of Smiths in the telephone book, dia mengira nama Smith dlm buku panduan telefon; have the votes been ~ed yet?, sudahkah kertas undi dikira?; 3. take into account, mengambil kira, mengira: there are 20 glasses in all if you ~ these as well, ada 20 gelas semuanya jika awak mengambil kira yg ini juga; 4. regard as, menganggap: I no longer ~ her among my friends, saya tdk lagi menganggapnya sbg salah seorang sahabat saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sheet 1 | b. (of glass, metal, etc) keping: she wrapped the book in a ~ of paper, dia membalut buku itu dgn sehelai kertas; a ~ of galvanized iron blew off the roof, sekeping zink dr bumbung itu diterbangkan oleh angin; a ~ of stamps, selembar setem; 3. pamphlet, risalah: the instruction ~ is enclosed, risalah panduan dilampirkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
guide | vt 1. show (so.) round (a place) memandu, membawa: a woman who spoke fluent Japanese ~d us on a tour of the temple, wanita yg fasih berbahasa Jepun memandu kami berjalan-jalan di kuil itu; 2. show the way, (of person, animal) menunjukkan jalan, memandu, membawa; (of stars, compass, lights, etc) memandu, menjadi panduan: Simon took my hand and ~d me through the dark tunnel, Simon memegang tangan saya dan membawa saya melalui terowong yg gelap itu; the usher’s job is to ~ people to their seats, kerja penunjuk tempat duduk adalah membawa penonton ke tempat duduk; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
prescription | n 1. a. doctor’s written direction for the preparation and use of a medicine, preskripsi: the doctor wrote out a ~ for him, doktor memberinya satu preskripsi; b. medicine prescribed, ubat: the ~ seems to be doing him good, ubat itu nampaknya mujarab baginya; 2. act of prescribing, mempreskripsikan: the ~ of certain antibiotics for minor illnesses is not recommended, mempreskripsikan antibiotik tertentu utk penyakit-penyakit ringan tdk digalakkan; 3. (fig.) petua, panduan: the old man was asked to give his ~ for a long life, orang tua itu diminta memberikan petuanya utk hidup lama. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
accompany | vt 1. go or come with, a. (person) menemani, mengawani; (fml) mengiring(i): to ~ so. on a journey, menemani sso (sewaktu) dlm perjalanan; the Prime Minister was accompanied by two cabinet ministers, Perdana Menteri telah diiringi oleh dua orang menteri kabinet; b. (ship etc) mengiring(i): the warships ~ing the convoy, kapal perang yg mengiringi konvoi; 2. be put with [often pass. in Malay] disertakan bersama: a manual accompanies each set, sebuah buku panduan disertakan bersama setiap set; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |