bleaching-powder | n serbuk peluntur. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bleach | n bleaching agent, (bahan) /peluntur, pemutih/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
whiten | vt memutihkan, menjadikan [sst] putih: he ~s his tennis shoes with Blanco, dia memutihkan kasut tenisnya dgn Blanco; she used a bleach to ~ the yellowed linen, dia menggunakan peluntur utk memutihkan linen yg telah kuning; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
extra | adj more than is normal, arranged, expected or necessary, [n] tambahan, lebih [adj], [v] lebih: there will be ~ trains during the holiday period, akan diadakan perkhidmatan kereta api tambahan dlm musim percutian nanti; we need ~ glasses for the party, kita memerlukan gelas tambahan utk majlis itu; he received an ~ payment at the end of the year, dia menerima bayaran tambahan pd hujung tahun tersebut; add some bleach for that ~ whiteness, tambah sedikit peluntur utk lebih putih; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
agent | n 1. one that acts for another, ejen, wakil: a real estate ~, ejen harta tanah; an insurance ~, ejen insurans; sole ~, wakil tunggal; /an intelligence, a secret/ ~, ejen, perisik, pengintip; 2. one that acts, has power to act, ejen; 3. spy, pengintip, ejen: North Korean ~s, pengintip-pengintip Korea Utara; 4. substance producing effect or reaction, bahan, agen: bleaching ~, bahan peluntur; catalytic ~, bahan mangkin; oxidizing ~, agen pengoksidaan; 5. natural force etc producing effect, agen: rain and frost are weathering ~s, hujan dan fros adalah agen luluhawa; ~s of pollination, agen pendebungaan; 6. active cause, punca: bad investment was the ~ of his ruin, pelaburan yg merugikan menjadi punca kehancurannya; the man who was the ~ of her downfall, lelaki yg menjadi punca keruntuhannya; 7. instrument, alat: books are the ~s of knowledge, buku merupakan alat ilmu pengetahuan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |