reading | n 1. act of reading, pembacaan, membaca: the children are taught ~, writing and arithmetic and that is all, kanak-kanak itu diajar membaca, menulis dan mengira, itu sahaja; do a lot of ~, banyak membaca; 2. recital of a literary work, pembacaan: poetry ~, pembacaan puisi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
read 1 | ~ up on st, membuat pembacaan ttg sst: I have to ~ up on the subject before the talk, saya harus membuat pembacaan ttg perkara itu sebelum memberi ceramah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
reading | 3. formal announcement, pembacaan: the whole family gathered in the house to hear the ~ of their grandfather’s will, seluruh ahli keluarga berkumpul utk mendengar pembacaan wasiat datuk mereka; 4. interpretation of st said or written, tafsiran: their ~ of the situation in the Middle East, tafsiran mereka ttg situasi di Timur Tengah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
recitation | n 1. act, instance of reading out loud, pembacaan; (of poem) pengucapan, pendeklamasian; (from Koran) pengajian, pembacaan: a Wordsworth ~, pengucapan puisi Wordsworth; 2. act of narrating, penceritaan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bookish | adj 1. fond of books and reading, /suka, gemar/ membaca; 2. inclined to rely on knowledge from books, dibentuk berdasarkan pembacaan: a ~ view of life, pandangan hidup yg dibentuk berdasarkan pembacaan; 3. literary and not colloquial, formal, bahasa /surat, buku/: a ~ style, gaya bahasa surat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
read 1 | n 1. act of reading, pembacaan, membaca: have a quiet ~, membaca senyap-senyap; have a ~ of, (colloq) membaca: he had a ~ of the magazine, dia membaca majalah itu; 2. time spent in reading, masa utk membaca; 3. (colloq) book or writer interesting to read, bahan bacaan: this book is a good ~, buku ini ialah bahan bacaan yg baik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
recital | n 1. musical performance, resital: a piano ~, resital piano; 2. reading out loud, pembacaan; (poem) pengucapan, pendeklamasian; 3. narration, cerita: I listened to a long ~ of her woes, saya mendengarkan cerita panjang ttg penderitaannya; 4. (leg.) sebutan permulaan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
healthy | adj 1. enjoying, showing good health, sihat; (of plants) subur: ~ babies, bayi-bayi yg sihat; ~ skin, kulit yg sihat; 2. thriving, teguh: the country’s economy is fairly ~, ekonomi negara itu agak teguh; 3. conducive to health, menyihatkan, menyegarkan: the ~ air of the mountains, udara gunung yg menyihatkan; a ~ climate, iklim yg menyegarkan; 4. good, beneficial, sihat: ~ competition, persaingan yg sihat; ~ reading for school children, pembacaan yg sihat utk kanak-kanak sekolah 5. sensible, wajar: children have a ~ interest in the human body, kanak-kanak mempunyai minat yg wajar thdp tubuh manusia. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |