spendthrift | n pemboros: he’s an incorrigible ~; money burns a hole in his pocket, dia pemboros yg tdk dapat diperbaik; wang tdk pernah lekat padanya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
squanderer | n pemboros. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
prodigal | n pemboros. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
prodigal | adj 1. (fml) wastefully or recklessly extravagant, membazir, boros: ~ expenditure, perbelanjaan yg membazir; his ~ life-style, cara hidupnya yg begitu membazir; the ~ son, anak yg pemboros; 2. lavish, generous, profuse, kaya, mewah: a mind ~ of new ideas, fikiran yg kaya dgn idea yg baru; Nigeria is a country where nature has been ~ with mineral sources, Nigeria ialah negara yg alamnya kaya dgn sumber-sumber galian; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lavish | 3. extravagant, mewah; (of expenditure etc) berlebih-lebihan: the meal was too ~ for my simple tastes, sajian itu begitu mewah bagi saya yg mempunyai selera yg sederhana; a ~ apartment, pangsapuri mewah; his ~ expenditure, perbelanjaannya yg berlebih-lebihan; a ~ spender, a. a big spender, orang yg berbelanja besar; b. one who spends in a wasteful manner, pemboros; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lavish | 3. extravagant, mewah; (of expenditure etc) berlebih-lebihan: the meal was too ~ for my simple tastes, sajian itu begitu mewah bagi saya yg mempunyai selera yg sederhana; a ~ apartment, pangsapuri mewah; his ~ expenditure, perbelanjaannya yg berlebih-lebihan; a ~ spender, a. a big spender, orang yg berbelanja besar; b. one who spends in a wasteful manner, pemboros; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
free | 6. not literal, bebas: a ~ translation, terjemahan bebas; 7. unconstrained, bebas: he is somewhat ~ in his conversation, dia agak bebas dlm perbualannya; 8. lavish, profuse, mudah + approp v: he is very ~ with his advice, dia mudah memberikan nasihat; she is very ~ with money, dia mudah mengeluarkan wang; a ~ spender, (orang yg) /boros, kuat berbelanja/, pemboros; 9. costing nothing, percuma: a ~ ticket for the show, tiket percuma utk pertunjukan itu; ~ admission, masuk percuma; nothing in this world is ~, tdk ada yg percuma di dunia ini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |