accentuation | n 1. penekanan, pengaksenan; 2. (fig.) penekanan: ~ of the problem will do more harm than good, penekanan kpd masalah ini akan membawa lebih banyak keburukan drpd kebaikan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
emphasis | n 1. importance given to st, penekanan, penegasan: the ~ in this school is on academic work, penekanan di sekolah ini adalah kpd kerja-kerja ilmiah; /put, place, lay/ ~ on st, /meletakkan, memberikan/ /penekanan, penegasan/ pd sst, menitikberatkan sst; give ~ to, menekankan, menegaskan, menitikberatkan; 2. stress on syllable, word, phrase, tekanan: in the verb “increase”, the ~ falls on the last syllable, pd kata kerja “increase”, tekanannya adalah pd suku kata akhir. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
overemphasize | vt memberi penekanan yg berlebih-lebihan thdp: to ~ the importance of light exercise, memberi penekanan yg berlebih-lebihan thdp pentingnya senaman ringan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sport | n 1. activity involving physical prowess, sukan, olahraga: there is too much emphasis on ~ in the school, terlalu banyak penekanan thdp sukan di sekolah itu; he is better at ~ than he is at his school work, dia lebih baik dlm olahraga drpd dlm pelajarannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
specific | 2. particular, khusus, tertentu, khas: there’s no ~ remedy for measles, tdk ada ubat khusus utk penyakit campak; there’s sure to be emphasis on certain ~ issues, sudah pasti akan ada penekanan pd isu-isu khusus yg tertentu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
application | n 1. act of, a. (putting to practical use) penerapan: the ~ of a theory, penerapan teori; modern techniques and their ~, teknik moden dan penerapannya; b. (bringing into operation, effect) pengenaan, mengenakan; (of brakes) penekanan, menekan: he protested that the strict ~ of the law would be incongruous in this case, dia memprotes bahawa adalah tdk patut undang-undang dikenakan secara ketat dlm hal ini; the ~ of an embargo, pengenaan embargo; c. (making a request esp in writing) permohonan: an ~ for bail, permohonan utk mengikat jamin; ~ form, borang permohonan; letter of ~, surat permohonan; on ~, apabila dipohon: back numbers are available on ~, keluaran kebelakangan boleh diperoleh apabila dipohon; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
poor relation | 2. st considered inferior to others of the same type, mutu [sst] rendah; (in a comparison) rendah mutu [sst] jika dibandingkan dgn: art subjects have become the ~s with all this emphasis on science in recent years, mutu mata pelajaran sastera telah menjadi rendah dgn adanya penekanan thdp sains dlm beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini; earthenware is the ~ of porcelain, periuk tanah rendah mutunya jika dibandingkan dgn porselin. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |