billet1 | vt provide lodging for, memberi penginapan kpd: making arrangements to ~ the soldiers, membuat persediaan utk memberi penginapan kpd askar-askar itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
accommodation | n 1. adjustment, adaptation, ( to new circumstances etc) penyesuaian: the ~ of the Catholic Church to new ideas, penyesuaian Gereja Katolik dgn idea-idea baru; 2. lodging, (tempat) penginapan: hotel ~, penginapan di hotel; 3. settlement, compromise, penyelesaian: an ~ can be reached by compromise or arbitration, penyelesaian dapat dicapai dgn kompromi atau timbang tara; come to an ~, mencapai /penyelesaian, kompromi/; 4. loan, pinjaman. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
accommodate | vt 1. adjust, adapt, menyesuaikan: to ~ o’s views to those of o’s colleagues, menyesuaikan pandangan sso dgn pandangan rakan sejawat; to ~ os to new circumstances, menyesuaikan diri (sso) dgn keadaan baru; 2. a. provide (guest) esp with lodging, memberikan penginapan kpd: the hotel can ~ all the participants, hotel itu dapat memberikan penginapan kpd semua peserta; b. put into ( room(s) etc) menempatkan: the inmates are ~d in clean rooms, penghuni-penghuni itu ditempatkan di bilik-bilik yg bersih; 3. have space for, muat: a lift that can ~ twelve people, lif yg muat dua belas orang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
board | vt 1. go on board, menaiki: to ~ a train, menaiki kereta api; 2. force o’s way aboard, menaiki; 3. often ~ up, ~ in, cover with board, menutup dgn papan: to ~ up a door, menutup pintu dgn papan; 4. supply with meals and often lodging, menyediakan makanan (dan penginapan) utk: she ~ed six students in her large house, dia menyediakan makanan (dan penginapan) utk enam orang pelajar di rumahnya yg besar itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
occupancy | n (fml) 1. act of occupying, (house, building, land, etc) penghunian, menghuni; (hotel etc) penginapan: the ~ rate of such commercial complexes, kadar penghunian di kompleks-kompleks perdagangan begitu; 2. period of occupying house, building, land, etc, tempoh penghunian; (of house) masa [sso] /menghuni, mendiami, tinggal di, menduduki/ (rumah): the renovation was done during their ~ (of the building), pengubahsuaian dibuat semasa tempoh penghunian mereka (di bangunan itu). | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
harbour, (US) harbor | n 1. pelabuhan; 2. (fig.) tempat /berlindung, perlindungan/: a ~ for refugees, tempat berlindung orang pelarian; the inn was a ~ for tired travellers, rumah penginapan itu menjadi tempat berlindung pengembara-pengembara yg kepenatan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
requisition | n 1. act of taking st over for temporary use, pengambilan, rekuisisi: the ~ of all the hotel rooms for army personnel meant that many people were without accomodation, pengambilan kesemua bilik hotel utk pegawai tentera bermakna ramai orang tdk ada tempat penginapan; 2. official demand, tuntutan, rekuisisi: the batallion made a ~ on headquarters for supplies, batalion itu telah membuat rekuisisi kpd ibu pejabat utk mendapatkan bekalan; /in, under/ ~, direkuisisi: the building was in ~ as a base for the troops, bangunan itu direkuisisi sbg pangkalan utk askar-askar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inconvenient | adj 1. not suitable, appropriate, tdk sesuai: they called at an ~ moment, mereka datang pd masa yg tdk sesuai; 2. troublesome, menyusahkan: an ~ arrangement, rancangan yg menyusahkan; 3. uncomfortable, tdk selesa: ~ lodgings, tempat penginapan yg tdk selesa. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
walk | vt 1. travel on foot, berjalan: they ~ed two miles in half an hour, mereka berjalan sejauh dua batu dlm masa setengah jam; he spent the morning ~ing the streets, trying to find accommodation, dia menghabiskan waktu pagi berjalan di jalan itu mencuba mencari tempat penginapan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
overflow | n 1. that which flows over, limpahan; (of specif group of people) approp n + selebihnya: the ~ from the gutter, limpahan dr talang; satellite towns built to take the ~ of population, bandar-bandar satelit yg dibina utk menampung limpahan penduduk; during the peak seasons, lodging houses accomodated the ~ from the hotels, semasa musim puncak, rumah-rumah tumpangan memberikan penginapan kpd tetamu hotel yg selebihnya; 2. pipe or passage that allows excess liquid to flow out, paip limpahan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |