renovation | n pengubahsuaian, pengubahelokan: we are making some ~s to the house, kami sedang membuat pengubahelokan pd rumah itu; the shop is closed for ~, kedai itu ditutup utk pengubahsuaian; under ~, sedang diubah /suai, elok/: the building is under ~, bangunan itu sedang diubah elok. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
modification | n 1. act of altering and adjusting, pengubahsuaian: the plans will need some ~, rancangan ini memerlukan beberapa pengubahsuaian; 2. st modified, alteration, ubah suaian: this scheme is a ~ of the one put forwa | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
region | in the ~ of, sekitar, dlm lingkungan: the renovations will cost in the ~ of two thousand dollars, kos pengubahsuaian akan menelan belanja di sekitar dua ribu ringgit. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
most | at (the) ~, at the very ~, paling + approp adj: the renovations will cost me $2000 at the ~, pengubahsuaian itu akan menelan belanja, paling banyak $2000; I can spare you ten minutes, at the very ~, saya boleh ber | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
conversion | n 1. act, process of changing, a. (in character, function, etc) penukaran: the ~ of water into ice, penukaran air menjadi ais; the ~ of miles to kilometres, penukaran ukuran batu kpd kilometer; b. (from no religion to a particular religion) menjadikan [sso] beragama [n]; (to Christianity) mengkristiankan; (to Islam) mengislamkan; c. (to another religion), /memeluk, masuk/ (n): following her ~ to Judaism..., setelah dia memeluk agama Yahudi...; d. (to a particular opinion, ideology, etc) menukar haluan; 2. adaptation of building etc, pengubahsuaian: the plans for the ~ of the room into a studio are now ready, pelan pengubahsuaian bilik itu sudah pun siap; 3. (leg.) konversi: the ~ of public funds, konversi wang kerajaan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
slight | adj 1. not great, sedikit (sahaja): the difference between the two reports is very ~, perbezaan antara kedua-dua laporan itu sedikit sekali; there was a ~ smell of gas in the kitchen, ada sedikit bau gas di dapur; he has a ~ fever, dia demam sedikit; the suit needs ~ alterations, sut itu memerlukan pengubahsuaian sedikit; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
occupancy | n (fml) 1. act of occupying, (house, building, land, etc) penghunian, menghuni; (hotel etc) penginapan: the ~ rate of such commercial complexes, kadar penghunian di kompleks-kompleks perdagangan begitu; 2. period of occupying house, building, land, etc, tempoh penghunian; (of house) masa [sso] /menghuni, mendiami, tinggal di, menduduki/ (rumah): the renovation was done during their ~ (of the building), pengubahsuaian dibuat semasa tempoh penghunian mereka (di bangunan itu). | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |