retreat | n 1. act of withdrawing, pengunduran, berundur: the ~ from Moscow was the turning point for the Napoleonic armies, pengunduran dr Moscow ialah titik perubahan bagi tentera Napoleon; 2. hideaway, tempat mencari ketenangan: a seaside ~, pantai tempat mencari ketenangan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
strategic | adj strategik: a ~ retreat, pengunduran yg strategik; the ~ bombing of industrial areas, pengeboman yg strategik thdp kawasan-kawasan perindustrian; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
withdrawal | n 1. retreat, pengunduran, berundur: the general ordered the immediate ~ of all troops, jeneral itu memerintahkan semua askar berundur serta-merta; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
disengagement | n act of ceasing involvement in activity or organisation, pengunduran. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ignominious | adj disgraceful, memalukan, mengaibkan: the army’s ~ retreat, pengunduran tentera yg memalukan; he was put in that ~ position by his own foolishness, dia mendapati dirinya dlm keadaan yg memalukan krn kebodohannya sendiri; ~ behaviour, kelakuan yg memalukan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
backing | n 1. act of moving backwards, pengunduran, berundur, mengundur; 2. support, sokongan: the project needs the ~ of the committee, projek ini memerlukan sokongan jawatankuasa tersebut; 3. body of supporters, (para) penyokong; 4. mounting, lapik (pd belakang): to use cardboard as the ~ for a picture, menggunakan kadbod sbg lapik utk gambar; 5. musical accompaniment, iringan: with full orchestral ~, dgn iringan orkestra. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cut | d. block st, menyekat sst: the army’s retreat was ~ off by enemy forces, pengunduran angkatan tentera itu telah disekat oleh pasukan musuh; e. isolate st, (act.) memutuskan hubungan luar sst; (pass.) hubungan sst dgn sst terputus: the village was ~ off by flood, hubungan kampung itu dgn kawasan luar telah terputus krn banjir; f. disconnect st, memberhentikan perkhidmatan sst: our phone has been ~ off, perkhidmatan telefon kita telah diberhentikan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
rout 1 | n complete defeat and disorderly retreat, keadaan kucar-kacir: the retreat turned into a ~, pengunduran itu bertukar menjadi keadaan kucar-kacir; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
effect | vt bring about, melakukan, melaksanakan, [or other approp v]: to ~ a retreat, melakukan pengunduran; several important changes have been ~ed, beberapa perubahan penting telah dilakukan; the burglar ~ed an entry through an unlocked window, pencuri itu dapat masuk melalui tingkap yg tdk berkunci; Bismark ~ed the unification of Germany, Bismark berjaya menyatukan Jerman. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hasty | adj 1. hurried, quick, segera, cepat: he made a ~ denial when they accused him of it, dia membuat penafian segera apabila mereka menuduhnya melakukan perkara itu; a ~ retreat, pengunduran segera; 2. rash, precipitate, a. (gen) terburu-buru, tergesa-gesa: he regretted his ~ decision, dia menyesali keputusannya yg terburu-buru; ~ preparations, persediaan yg tergesa-gesa; b. (of person) bertindak /terburu-buru, tergesa-gesa/; c. (of words) terlanjur. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |