assistant | n penolong, pembantu: to employ an ~, menggaji seorang penolong; laboratory ~, pembantu makmal; ~ librarian, penolong pustakawan; ~ minister, menteri muda. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
second-in-command | n (mil) penolong; (of battalion) penolong pemerintah batalion. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
scullery maid | n penolong orang gaji. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
aide | n 1. see AIDE-DE-CAMP; 2. assistant, pembantu, penolong: a nurse’s ~, pembantu jururawat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
downgrade | vt 1. reduce (employee) to lower rank, menurunkan pangkat: he was ~d to assistant supervisor, dia diturunkan pangkat ke penolong penyelia; 2. reduce (job) to lower grade, menurunkan taraf; 3. minimize importance of, mengurangkan kepentingan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
layout | n susun atur; (publishing) reka letak: the whole ~ of the garden is attractive, susun atur keseluruhan taman itu menarik; the sub-editor sent the ~ of the leader to the printer, penolong editor menghantar reka letak halaman lidah pengarang kpd pencetak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
layout | n susun atur; (publishing) reka letak: the whole ~ of the garden is attractive, susun atur keseluruhan taman itu menarik; the sub-editor sent the ~ of the leader to the printer, penolong editor menghantar reka letak halaman lidah pengarang kpd pencetak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
counsel | n 1. (fml) advice, nasihat: he would not listen to his father’s ~, dia tdk mahu mendengar nasihat bapanya; 2. (tech) lawyer, a. (for the prosecution) peguam bagi pihak pendakwa; (ref to the deputy public prosecutor) penolong pendakwa raya: he had ~’s opinion on his case, dia mendapat nasihat penolong pendakwa raya ttg kesnya; b. (for the defence) peguam pembela, peguam bagi pihak pembela; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
aid | n 1. help, assistance, bantuan, pertolongan: the Red Crescent provided ~ for the homeless, Pasukan Bulan Sabit Merah memberi bantuan kpd mereka yg kehilangan tempat tinggal; mutual ~ society, persatuan bantuan bersama; 2. helper, pembantu, penolong; 3. st that helps, alat bantu: visual ~, alat bantu pandang; teaching ~s, alat bantu mengajar; the grinder is a useful ~ in the kitchen, pengisar ialah alat bantu yg berguna di dapur; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
deputy | n 1. person to whom work, authority, etc is delegated, pemangku: during his illness he appointed his manager as his ~, semasa dia sakit dia melantik pengurusnya sbg pemangkunya; 2. (in France) member of legislative assembly, ahli majlis perundangan; 3. (US) assistant to sheriff, penolong syerif. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |