closure | n 1. (act) penutupan: the ~ of the road, penutupan jalan itu; the ~ of foreign industries, penutupan perusahaan asing; 2. (Parl) penamatan perbahasan: he moved the ~, dia mengusulkan penamatan perbahasan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
intercollegiate | adj antara /maktab, kolej/: ~ debates, perbahasan antara maktab. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
debate | n 1. formal discussion, perdebatan, perbahasan: parliamentary ~, perdebatan parlimen; 2. informal discussion, berdebat: after the lengthy ~ they decided to drop the matter, selepas berdebat dgn panjang lebar mereka memutuskan utk melupakan perkara itu; 3. (contest) pertandingan bahas: an inter-school ~, pertandingan bahas antara sekolah; /in, under/ ~, yg /di(per)bahaskan, di(per)debatkan, dipersoalkan/: the issue under ~, isu yg diperbahaskan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
disputation | n 1. (fml)argument, controversy, pertikaian; 2. (archaic) academic debate, perdebatan, perbahasan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
stone wall | vi 1. obstruct discussion, menghalang perbincangan: the opposition speakers ~ed until the time set for the debate ran out, penceramah-penceramah dr pihak pembangkang menghalang perbincangan sampai habis waktu yg ditetapkan utk perbahasan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
win | vt 1. gain victory in battle, competition, etc, memenangi, menang dlm: who won the match?, siapa yg memenangi perlawanan itu?; I think our side won the argument, saya agak sebelah kami memenangi perbahasan itu; with the help of reinforcements, the army won the battle, dgn pertolongan tenaga bantuan, pasukan tentera itu menang dlm peperangan itu; 2. receive (a prize, first place, etc) in a competition, memenangi: the boy won the first prize in the essay competition, budak lelaki itu memenangi hadiah pertama dlm pertandingan menulis esei; he won the championship three times, dia memenangi kejuaraan itu tiga kali; he won ten dollars at cards last night, dia memenangi sepuluh dolar dlm permainan terup malam tadi; our school won second place, sekolah kami memenangi tempat kedua; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
following | adj 1. next, after, berikut(nya): the ~ week, minggu berikutnya; the explanation will be found in the ~ pages, keterangan boleh didapati pd halaman-halaman yg berikut; the ~ day, (pd) /keesokannya, keesokan harinya, hari berikutnya/; 2. about to be mentioned, yg berikut: the ~ books are recommended, buku-buku yg berikut disyorkan utk dibaca; the ~, yg berikut: the ~ have been selected to represent the school in the debate, yg berikut telah dipilih utk mewakili sekolah dlm perbahasan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bolt2 | a ~ from the blue, (sst yg) mengejutkan: his resignation came as a ~ from the blue, peletakan jawatannya itu memang mengejutkan; shoot o’s ~, a. make o’s final effort prematurely, kehabisan tenaga: the runner had shot his ~ in the fourth lap, pelari itu telah kehabisan tenaganya dlm pusingan yg keempat; b. make o’s final effort, approp v phr + yg terakhir: he had shot his ~ and took no further part in the argument, dia telah memberi hujahnya yg terakhir dan akan mengambil bahagian selanjutnya dlm perbahasan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |