give-away | n (colloq) 1. free gift, hadiah percuma: he hopes these ~s will increase his sales, dia berharap hadiah-hadiah percuma ini akan meningkatkan jualannya; 2. unintentional betrayal or disclosure of st, menunjukkan bahawa [sso] + approp v or adj: the way his hands shook was a real ~, tangannya yg terketar-ketar itu menunjukkan bahawa dia gentar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
free | adv 1. in an uncontrolled way, (dgn) bebas: the children ran ~ in the garden, budak-budak itu berlari bebas di taman; 2. without charge, dgn percuma: children under six travel ~ on buses, budak-budak bawah enam tahun naik bas dgn percuma; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gift | n 1. present, hadiah; (brought back from a journey) buah tangan, cenderamata, oleh-oleh; (given when visiting so.) buah tangan: the house was a ~ from his father, rumah itu hadiah drpd bapanya; free ~s, hadiah percuma; a ~ voucher, baucer hadiah; a ~ shop, kedai hadiah; whenever she goes to Kota Bharu she always brings back a little ~ for me, setiap kali dia ke Kota Bharu dia selalu membawa pulang buah tangan utk saya; 2. talent, bakat: to have a ~ for languages, mempunyai bakat dlm bahasa; 3. (colloq) very cheap, murah sangat: the house is a ~ at that price, rumah itu murah sangat; 4. (of question) percuma; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
deadhead | n 1. free ticket-holder, pemegang tiket percuma; 2. useless, unenterprising person, orang yg tdk berguna, hampas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gratuitous | adj 1. (fml & derog) unwarranted, uncalled for, tdk sepatutnya + approp v: a ~ insult, kata-kata kesat yg tdk sepatutnya diluahkan; we must put a stop to this ~ acts of vandalism, kita mesti menghentikan perbuatan-perbuatan laku musnah yg tdk sepatutnya berlaku ini; 2. (rare) without payment or obligation, percuma: ~ advice, nasihat percuma. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
tempting | adj 1. attractive, menarik: a ~ offer of a free gift, tawaran percuma yg menarik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
charge | n 1. cost, price, bayaran: the ~ for admission, bayaran masuk; free of ~, percuma; 2. responsibility, jagaan, tanggungjawab: I’ll have to spend some time with those under my ~, saya mestilah meluangkan masa utk orang-orang di bawah jagaan saya; in ~, bertanggungjawab: he’s the officer in ~ of local tenders, dialah pegawai yg bertanggungjawab ttg tender dalaman; the police would like to speak to the person in ~, polis hendak bercakap dgn orang yg bertanggungjawab; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
privilege | vt 1. give special concession to, memberi keistimewaan: the blind are ~d to travel free on public transport, orang-orang buta diberi keistimewaan menaiki kenderaan awam percuma; 2. (usu foll by “from”) exempt, mengecualikan, membebaskan: all donations are ~d from taxation, semua bentuk derma dikecualikan drpd cukai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
entitle | vt 1. give title to, memberikan [sst] /tajuk, judul/: the painting was ~d “Mona Lisa”, catan itu diberikan tajuk “Mona Lisa”; 2. give a rightful claim to, (act.) menyebabkan [sso] berhak; (pass.) berhak: this coupon ~s you to a free gift, kupon ini menyebabkan kamu berhak mendapat hadiah percuma; am I not ~d to my own opinion?, tidakkah saya berhak mempunyai pendapat sendiri?; only the senior executives are ~d to travel first-class, hanya eksekutif-eksekutif kanan sahaja berhak utk membuat perjalanan dlm kelas satu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
board | n 1. long, thin piece of sawn timber, papan; 2. flat piece of wood etc used for specif purpose, papan: cutting ~, papan potong; diving ~, papan junam; ironing ~, papan seterika; 3. meals supplied at contract price etc, makanan: free ~, makanan percuma; ~ and lodging, makanan dan penginapan; 4. administrative group, any committee or council, lembaga: ~ of directors, lembaga pengarah; ~ of trustees, lembaga pemegang amanah; a selection ~, lembaga pemilih; a ~ meeting, mesyuarat lembaga; 5. notice-board, papan kenyataan; 6. blackboard, papan hitam; 7. stiff cardboard etc, for the outside covers of book, papan kertas; 8. (in indoor games) papan: draught ~, papan dam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |