send | 2. cause to be made known (to) a. (message), /meninggalkan, mengirim/ [pesan], /meninggalkan, mengirim/ [pesan] utk [sso]: he sent you a message, dia mengirim pesan utk saudara; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
word | pass the ~, menyampaikan pesan: please pass the ~ that tomorrow will be a holiday, tolong sampaikan pesan bahawa esok cuti; put in a (good) ~ (for so.), menyokong sso: the manager put in a ~ for me, so I got the job, pengurus itu menyokong saya, jadi saya mendapat pekerjaan itu; she promised to put in a good ~ if she got the chance, dia berjanji hendak menyokong saya jika mendapat peluang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
message | n 1. oral or written communication, a.request, pesan(an): your mother rang and left a ~ for you; she asked you to meet her this evening, ibu kamu menelefon dan meninggalkan pesan utk kamu; dia minta kamu menemuiny | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
relay | vt 1. pass on (message etc) menyampaikan: I was asked to ~ a message, saya diminta menyampaikan pesan; 2. transmit (programme etc) menyiarkan: the programme was ~ed to every state, rancangan itu disiarkan ke setiap negeri. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
what’s-his-name, what’s-her-name | n (colloq) siapa namanya: I left a message with his secretary, Miss ~, saya tinggalkan pesan pd setiausahanya, siapa namanya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
order | b. st so. requested or commissioned, pesanan, barang yg dipesan: the grocer has not delivered the ~, pekedai runcit itu belum lagi menghantar barang-barang yg kita pesan; your ~ has been sent by mail, pesanan tuan telah dikirim melalui pos; 3. a. legal document clearly stating that st has to be done, perintah: he produced a court ~, dia menunjukkan perintah mahkamah; deportation ~, perintah deportasi; b. written authorization that can be exchanged for money, waran; money ~, kiriman wang; postal ~, kiriman pos; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
chasel | ~ /about, around/, rush about, around, berkejar ke sana ke mari: he was chasing all around the school to get the message to all the teachers, dia berkejar ke sana ke mari di sekolah itu utk menyampaikan pesan kpd semua guru; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
get | ~ through to, a. (of supplies, reinforcements, message, etc) arrive, sampai kpd: the goods eventually got through to her after having been sent to the wrong address, barang-barang itu akhirnya sampai kepadanya setelah dihantar ke alamat yg salah; your message did ~ through to me, pesan kamu sampai kpd saya; b. (of person) succeed in reaching, dapat sampai ke tempat: the rescuers got through to the trapped miners, pasukan penyelamat dapat sampai ke lohong tempat pekerja-pekerja lombong itu terperangkap; c. contact by telephone, radio, etc, menghubungi: I couldn’t ~ through to him because his telephone is out of order, saya tdk dapat menghubunginya krn telefonnya rosak; d. make (so.) listen to or understand what one is saying, membuat [sso] faham: he’s so pig-headed that there’s no ~ting through to him, dia begitu keras kepala sehingga tdk mungkin kami dapat membuat dia faham; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
well1 | adj 1. healthy, sihat, dlm keadaan sihat: he recovered quickly and is now ~ and strong, dia sembuh dgn cepatnya dan sekarang dia sihat dan kuat; fit and ~, (dlm keadaan) sihat walafiat: I hope you and your family are keeping fit and ~, mudah-mudahan kamu sekeluarga (berada dlm keadaan) sihat walafiat; get ~, sembuh: send him a telegram saying “Get ~ soon”, kirimi dia telegram dgn pesan “Cepat-cepatlah sembuh”; not ~, a. ill, sakit: clearly the child is not ~ and should be sent home, ternyata kanak-kanak ini sakit dan sepatutnya dihantar pulang; b. sickly, sakit(-sakit), (ber)penyakitan: our boss hasn’t been ~ for some time now, bos kami sudah beberapa lama sakit-sakit sahaja; not very ~, tdk sedap badan, kurang sihat; 2. (usu with “all” as subj) satisfactory, baik: is all ~ at school?, adakah semua (berjalan dgn) baik di sekolah?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
carry | s. (in the mouth) menggonggong: the cat carried its kittens in one by one, kucing itu menggonggong anaknya masuk ke dlm, seekor demi seekor; t. (with the fingers) menjinjit, menjinjing; 2. lift, mengangkat: the hoist carries building materials to the upper floors, takal itu mengangkat bahan-bahan binaan ke tingkat-tingkat atas; 3. convey, forward, menyampaikan: to ~ messages, menyampaikan pesan; to ~ complaints to the boss, menyampaikan aduan kpd ketua; 4. conduct, channel, mengalirkan, menyalurkan: a pipe carries the water from the dam to the residential area, sebatang paip mengalirkan air dr empangan ke kawasan perumahan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |