pot 1 | ~s and pans, periuk belanga; go to ~, (<i>colloqi>) a. (<i>of garden, house, etci>), (menjadi) terbiar: <i>the once-beautiful garden has now gone to ~i>, taman yg pd suatu masa dulu indah, sekarang telah terbiar; b. (<i>of business, company, etci>), (menjadi) hancur: <i>his business went to ~ under his son’s managementi>, perniagaannya hancur di bawah pengurusan anak lelakinya; take a ~ at, (<i>colloqi>) menembak: <i>Ali took a ~ at the pigeon but missedi>, Ali menembak burung merpati itu tetapi tdk kena; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pot 1 | <i>ni> 1. <i>round, deep containeri>, a. (<i>used for cookingi>) (<i>made of metali>) periuk; (<i>made of clayi>) belanga; b. (<i>with handle and spout for making tea, coffee, etci>) teko(an); c.(<i>for growing plantsi>) pasu (bunga); d. (<i>for jam etci>) botol; 2. <i>amount of, potful,i> [<i>equivalent based on type of containeri>]: <i>a big ~ of soupi>, seperiuk besar sup; <i>half a ~ of coffeei>, setengah teko kopi; <i>they finished a whole ~ of honeyi>, mereka menghabiskan sebotol penuh madu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pot 1 | 3. <i>receptacle for collecting stooli>, bekas najis; 4. (<i>colloqi>) <i>cup given as prize in athletic competitioni>, piala; 5. (<i>colloqi>)<i> lots of moneyi>, /bergantang-gantang, bertempayan/ banyaknya: <i>she’s got ~s of moneyi>, dia ada duit bergantang-gantang banyaknya; 6. (<i>in gamblingi>)<i>prize moneyi>, pertaruhan, tagan; 7. (<i>billiardsi>) tojokan: <i>that’s what I call a brilliant ~!i>, itulah yg dipanggil tojokan yg sangat cantik!; 8. <i>seei> POT-BELLY; 9. (colloq) see POT-SHOT; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pot 1 | <i>vti> 1. <i>plant in flower poti>, menanam [sst] dlm pasu: <i>the gardener ~ted the cuttingsi>, tukang kebun itu menanam keratan-keratan itu dlm pasu; 2. <i>shoot game for foodi>, menembak [sst] utk makanan: <i>he ~ted a rabbit for their dinneri>, dia menembak seekor arnab utk makan malam; 3. (<i>in billiardsi>) menojok [bola] ke dlm saku meja biliard: <i>unfortunately, he ~ted the wrong balli>, malangnya dia menojok bola yg salah ke dlm saku meja biliard; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pot-pourri | <i>ni> 1. <i>a mixture of sweet-smelling dried petal and spicesi>, rampaian bunga wangi, <i>pot-pourrii>; 2. <i>mixed collection of thingsi>, beraneka jenis, serba aneka: <i>the chest contained a ~ of thingsi>, peti itu mengandungi beraneka jenis barang; 3. <i>medley of songsi>, aneka lagu, <i>pot-pourrii>. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crock | <i>ni> 1. <i>earthenware pot,i> pasu; 2. <i>broken piece of earthenware,i> serpihan pasu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pot-hole | <i>ni> 1. (<i>geogi>) <i>deep hole made by weathering away of rocksi>, lubang periuk; 2. <i>hole in road surfacei>, lubang, lopak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pot-belly | <i>n i>1. <i>large protruding stomachi> , perut buncit; 2. (<i>person i>) si buncit. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
warm | <i>ni> 1. <i>act of warming, i> memanaskan: <i>give the pot a ~ before you make tea,i> panaskan teko sebelum kamu membuat teh; 2. the ~, <i>a warm place,i> tempat panas: <i>don’t stay outside, come into the ~,i> jangan duduk di luar, masuk ke tempat panas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
enamel | <i>ni> 1. <i>glasslike opaque coating on metallic surface,i> enamel: <i>the pot has a coating of ~,i> periuk itu bersadur enamel; 2. <i>enamel-like paint, varnish,i> cat enamel; 3. <i>hard glossy covering of teeth,i> enamel;4. <i>seei> NAIL POLISH; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |