principle | 2. general truth or law, prinsip: the ~s of gravitation, prinsip-prinsip kegravitian; the ~s of economics, prinsip-prinsip ekonomi; 3. general law underlying working of machine, dasar, prinsip: aeroplanes and helicopters work on the same ~, kapal terbang dan helikopter bergerak atas dasar yg sama; 4. underlying theory or belief, prinsip, dasar: the ~ of the freedom of the press, prinsip kebebasan akhbar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
antagonistic | adj bertentangan, berlawanan; (physiol, biol & med) berantagonis: ~ principles, prinsip-prinsip yg bertentangan; ~ races, bangsa-bangsa yg berlawanan; ~ muscle, otot berantagonis; be ~ to, menentang, melawan; (physiol, biol & med) berantagonis dgn: he is ~ to the idea, dia menentang gagasan itu; a group ~ to the government, kumpulan yg menentang kerajaan; the biceps muscle is ~ to the triceps, otot biseps berantagonis dgn otot triseps. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
morality | n 1. system of principles of behaviour, prinsip moral: the change in traditional ~, perubahan yg berlaku pd prinsip-prinsip moral tradisional; 2. conforming to what a person considers right, norma kesusilaan: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
underlie | 2. be the basis of, menjadi dasar, mendasari: the principles that ~ the system of construction, prinsip-prinsip yg menjadi dasar sistem pembinaan; the reasons underlying the failure of the project, sebab-sebab yg mendasari kegagalan projek itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
substantial | 4. fundamental, in all essentials, dlm hal-hal penting: they were in ~ agreement on basic principles, mereka bersetuju dlm hal-hal penting ttg prinsip-prinsip asas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
counter 3 | adv bertentangan, berlawanan; /go, run/ ~ to, /bertentangan, berlawanan/ dgn: ideas that run ~ to accepted principles, gagasan-gagasan yg bertentangan dgn prinsip-prinsip yg diterima umum; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
canon | n 1. established law of church, hukum gereja; 2. (fml) generally accepted rules, principles of behaviour, taste, etc, prinsip, peraturan: according to the ~s of good conduct, menurut prinsip-prinsip tatasusila; 3. list or collection of authentic writings of a certain author, daftar karya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
philosophic (al) | adj 1. about or devoted to philosophy, falsafah: the ~ works of Aristotle, karya-karya falsafah Aristotle; 2.according to philosophy, falsafah: ~ principles, prinsip-prinsip falsafah; ~ terminology, istilah-istilah falsafah; 3. accepting defeat, disappointment, etc, with quiet courage, berfalsafah: he was ~ about the troubles that beset him, dia berfalsafah thdp kesusahan yg menimpanya; his ~ attitude to life,sifatnya yg berfalsafah thdp kehidupan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
uphold | vt 1. support and maintain, mendukung: he swore to serve the people and ~ the law, dia bersumpah utk berkhidmat kpd rakyat dan mendukung undang-undang; the need to ~ the principles of Rukun Negara, keperluan utk mendukung prinsip-prinsip Rukun Negara; 2. confirm a decision or verdict, mengesahkan: the higher court upheld the magistrate’s verdict, mahkamah tinggi mengesahkan keputusan majistret itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
first | 2. primary, utama: my ~ responsibility is to look after my family, tanggungjawab utama saya ialah menjaga keluarga saya; 3. basic, dasar, asas: she still doesn’t know the ~ principles of descriptive linguistics, dia masih belum mengetahui prinsip-prinsip dasar ilmu linguistik diskriptif; 4. initial, mula-mula, pertama: my ~ instinct was to run away from the scene of the accident, reaksi pertama saya, mahu lari dr tempat kemalangan itu; 5. (of gear) satu: ~ gear, gear satu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |