prop 3 | n (colloq) see PROPELLER. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
prop 2 | n (usu in pl) articles used on stage, alatan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
prop 1 | b. support st which is likely to fail, menampung sst; (person’s morale, self-esteem, etc) menguatkan: the increase in the price of rubber helped to ~ up the country’s economy, kenaikan harga getah membantu menampung ekonomi negeri itu; he tried to ~ up his friend’s failing courage, dia mencuba menguatkan semangat kawannya yg telah lemah; c. rest hand, feet on st, menggalangkan: the old man sat with his feet ~ped up on a stool, orang tua itu duduk sambil kakinya digalangkan pd sebuah bangku. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
prop 1 | ~ os up, menyandarkan badan sso ke: the patient ~ped herself up on the pillows, pesakit itu menyandarkan badannya ke bantal; ~ so. up, /menyendal, menggalang/ sso: the mother ~ped the baby up on the cushions and started feeding him, ibu menyendal anak kecilnya dgn kusyen dan mula menyuapinya; ~ st up, a. support object in a particular position, menopang sst: he ~ped up the bamboo fence with some planks, dia menopang pagar buluh itu dgn beberapa keping papan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
prop 1 | ~ on; ~ o’s chin on o’s hand, menopang dagu: she ~ped her chin on her hands and sighed, dia menopang dagu dan mengeluh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
prop 1 | ~ os against, bersandar pd, menyandarkan badan ke: he ~ped himself against the post and waited for the bus, dia bersandar pd tiang itu menunggu bas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
prop 1 | vt 1. keep (gate, door, etc) in required position, menyendal: use this chair to ~ the door open, gunakan kerusi ini utk menyendal pintu supaya terbuka; 2. lean (st, so. against st), (act.) menyandarkan; (pass.) tersandar: ~ the rifle against the wall, sandarkan rifel itu pd dinding; there was a ladder ~ped against the wall beneath her window, terdapat tangga tersandar pd dinding dekat tingkapnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
prop 1 | n 1. support, (as used in tunnel, pit, etc) sangga, penyangga; (used for clothes-line, tree, etc) topang: wooden ~s support the walls of the tunnel, sangga kayu menyangga dinding-dinding terowong itu;2. a. (person giving moral support to another) tempat /bersandar, bergantung/: his wife was his ~ throughout the period of his trial, sepanjang perbicaraan itu isterinya merupakan tempat dia bersandar; b. (st giving support, strength to st) tonggak: without the right wing, the party lost one of its main ~s, tanpa sayap kanannya, parti itu kehilangan salah satu tonggak utamanya; being honest with one another was the ~ of their marriage, bersikap jujur antara satu sama lain merupakan tonggak perkahwinan mereka; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sitting | /help, prop, etc/ so. into a ~ position, menolong /sso supaya duduk, mendudukkan sso/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
clothes-pole, clothes-post, clothes-prop | n /tiang, galang, topang/ ampaian. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |