ruin | n 1. (in pl) remains of building, city, etc, puing: the guide took them to the ~s of Pompeii, pemandu pelancong itu membawa mereka ke puing-puing Pompeii; 2. destruction, kehancuran, kemusnahan, kebinasaan: the ~ of all his hopes, kehancuran segala harapannya; the disaster brought ~ to the area, bencana itu membawa kemusnahan di kawasan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
record | vt 1. put in writing, mencatat: the secretary ~ed the minutes of the meeting, setiausaha itu mencatat minit mesyuarat; 2. indicate, mencatat, merakam: a seismograph ~s earthquakes, seismograf mencatatkan gempa bumi; 3. serve as evidence of, menjadi bukti kpd: ruins that ~ past civilizations, puing-puing yg menjadi bukti kpd peradaban masa lampau; 4. preserve on a disc, tape, etc, merakam: the programme has been ~ed for later viewing, program itu telah dirakamkan utk ditonton kemudian; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
project | 3. send or hurl outward or forward, meluncurkan, melancarkan; (as a result of eruption, explosion) menghamburkan, menghumbangkan; (pass.) terhumban, terhambur: they ~ed a guided missile into space, mereka meluncurkan peluru berpandu ke angkasa; the volcano ~ed molten rock and other debris into the air, gunung berapi itu menghamburkan batu-batu leburan dan puing-puing ke udara; 4. cause to fall or appear upon a surface, a. (image, film, etc) menayangkan: the cameraman ~ed the pictures onto a screen, jurukamera menayangkan gambar pd skrin; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ash1 | n 1. (freq in pl) residue left after matter is burnt, abu; 2. (in pl) human remains (esp after cremation) abu mayat; 3. (in pl) ruins, remains, puing, runtuhan, robohan: a new city built on the ~es of the old, sebuah bandar baru yg dibina di atas puing bandar lama; 4. fine particles ejected by volcano, abu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
debris | n rubble, wreckage, a. (of aircraft, car, etc) serpihan(-serpihan): ~ from a wrecked plane, serpihan-serpihan dr kapal terbang yg hancur itu; b. (of building) reruntuhan puing. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |