push-button | adj tekan /butang, punat/: ~ control, alat kawalan tekan butang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
head | 7. obverse side, kepala: everytime he spun the coin it came up ~s, setiap kali dia memusingkan duit syiling itu kepala yg naik; ~s or tails?, kepala atau bunga?; 8. pus-filled part, mata, punat: the ~ of a boil, punat bisul; 9. froth on liquid, buih, busa; (of milk) kepala; 10. (of tape recorder etc) kepala; 11. (of water) turus; 12. chief, leader, ketua: the ~ of the family, ketua keluarga; ~s of state, ketua-ketua negara; ~s of government, ketua-ketua kerajaan; the ~ gardener, ketua tukang kebun; 13. each, seorang, sekepala: eight dollars a ~ for the meal, lapan ringgit seorang utk hidangan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lock 1 | ~ into, become interlocked, terkunci: the parts ~into one another when the button is pressed, bahagian-bahagian itu terkunci antara satu sama lain apabila punat ditekan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
press 1 | 5. printing and publishing establishment, percetakan: Cambridge University P~, Percetakan Universiti Cambridge; 6. act of pushing steadily against st small, menekan: she stood at the door and gave the button another ~, dia berdiri di depan pintu itu dan menekan punat loceng sekali lagi; 7. (colloq) act of ironing a garment etc, menggosok, menyeterika: she gave her uniform a quick ~, dia menggosok pakaian seragamnya dgn cepat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
press 1 | persidangan itu telah mendapat liputan akhbar yg baik; he was given a fairer ~ overseas than in his own country, dia mendapat liputan akhbar yg lebih adil di luar negeri drpd yg didapatinya di negerinya sendiri; 4. a. printing machine, mesin cetak: this is the button that starts the ~ rolling, inilah punat yg menjalankan mesin cetak itu; b.process of printing, percetakan: the magazine goes to ~ on Thursday each week, majalah itu dihantar ke percetakan pd hari Khamis setiap minggu; the author’s latest book has gone to ~, buku terbaru pengarang itu telah dihantar ke percetakan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |