Maklumat Kata

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ranting (kata nama)
1. Dalam konteks perkara
bersinonim dengan kecil, remeh, tidak penting,

2. Rujuk cabang

Kata Terbitan : beranting, meranting,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

twig1n ranting: the ~ snapped and the bird flew away, ranting itu patah dan burung itu terbang; they gathered dry ~s and started a fire, mereka memungut ranting-ranting kering utk membuat api.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
snapn 1. sound of sudden sharp crack, derakan, detapan, bunyi /derak, detap, kertak/: the ~ of breaking twigs warned him that he was being followed, derakan ranting-ranting patah memberi amaran kepadanya bahawa ada orang mengekorinya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
catchvi 1. become entangled, tersangkut: her long scarf caught in the branches, selendangnya yg panjang itu tersangkut pd ranting; 2. be, get wedged in, tersepit, terapit, terkepit: her finger caught in the door, jarinya tersepit pd pintu; 3. ignite, menyala: the kindling caught immediately, ranting-ranting itu segera menyala; 4. (of fire) menyala; 5. become fastened, terkancing, masuk: the latch did not ~, selak itu tdk terkancing;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
brokenadj 1. shattered, pecah: a ~ windscreen, cermin depan yg pecah; a ~ cup, cawan yg pecah; a piece of ~ /glass, metal, etc/, serpihan /kaca, logam, dll/; 2. severed, putus: the detectives examined the ~ rope, mata-mata gelap memeriksa tali yg putus itu; a ~ light beam, alur cahaya yg putus; he tried to repair their broken relationship, dia mencuba memulihkan hubungan mereka yg putus; 3. snapped, fractured, patah: a badly ~ arm, tangan yg patah teruk; one of the table’s legs is ~, salah satu drpd kaki meja itu patah; the gardener cleared away the ~ branches, tukang kebun itu membuang ranting-ranting yg patah;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
pokevt 1. prod with st sharp, mencucuk, menojah, merodok; (with elbow) menyigung, menyinggung, menyiku: the naughty boy ~d the sick dog with a stick, budak nakal itu mencucuk anjing yg sakit dgn kayu; Teresa ~d Alice in the ribs to stop her giggling, Teresa menyigung rusuk Alice supaya dia berhenti mengekek; 2. make a hole in, menebuk: the child ~d the doll and pulled out the stuffing, kanak-kanak itu menebuk anak patung tersebut lalu mengeluarkan isinya; 3. prod or start a fire, menguit-nguit, menggodek-godek: she ~d the dying fire, adding dry leaves and twigs to it, dia menggodek-godek api yg hampir padam, sambil membubuh daun-daun dan ranting-ranting kering;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
faggot1(US) fagot n bundle of twigs, sticks, /ikat, berkas/ /ranting, kayu/.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
brushwoodn 1. cut or broken branches, dahan dan ranting patah; 2. see BRUSH2 (sense 1.).Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
branchn 1. secondary stem springing from, a. (tree) cabang, dahan; b. (bough) cabang; c. (shrub) ranting; 2. any extension, subdivision of a main body or system, cabang; (of river etc) cabang, cawangan; (of organization, business, etc) cawangan; one of the ~es of the deer antlers had broken, salah satu drpd cabang tanduk rusa itu telah patah; a ~ road, cabang jalan; a ~ of the royal family, cabang keluarga diraja; geometry is a ~ of mathematics, geometri merupakan cabang ilmu matematik; the canal has many ~es, terusan itu mempunyai cabang yg banyak; the intelligence ~ of the army, cawangan perisik tentera; they have opened a ~ in Bombay, mereka telah membuka cawangan di Bombay;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
brush2n 1. bushes and small trees, scrub, semak, belukar; 2. land covered with this, kawasan semak; 3. broken or cut branches, dahan dan ranting patah.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
trackn 1. series of marks left by, a. (person, animal) jejak, /bekas, tapak/ kaki, runut: they followed the ~ of the lion, mereka mengikuti jejak-jejak singa itu; he tried to cover his ~s by sweeping the dust with the branch of a tree, dia mencuba menyembunyikan jejak-jejaknya dgn menyapu jejak-jejak itu dgn ranting pokok; b. (vehicle) bekas, runut: there were fresh wheel ~s in the mud, ada bekas tayar yg baru pd lumpur itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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