race 2 | n 1. division of mankind according to physical type , ras: the Caucasian ~, ras Kaukasia; the Mongoloid ~ , ras Mongoloid; the Indo-European ~s , ras Indo-Eropah; the black ~ , ras yg berkulit hitam; 2. a sub-division distinguished by , a. ( national differences ) bangsa: the German ~ , bangsa Jerman; b. ( tribal differences ) kaum; 3. descent , keturunan: of noble ~ , berketurunan mulia; 4. group of people sharing the same interests etc , angkatan: the new ~ of authors , angkatan baru para penulis; 5. (of animal, plant ) kaum, ras; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
racial | adj 1. of division of mankind according to physical type , ras: ~ discrimination , diskriminasi ras; ~ prejudice , prasangka ras; 2. of sub-division , a. ( characterized by national differences ) bangsa: ~ bigotry , taksub bangsa; b. ( characterized by tribal differences ) perkauman: ~ conflict , konflik perkauman. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
superiority | n 1. state of, a. (being better) keunggulan: the ~ of one race to another, keunggulan sesuatu ras ke atas yg lain; it is my belief that racial ~ is a myth, saya percaya bahawa keunggulan ras itu adalah suatu mitos sahaja; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
race relations | n hubungan ras. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
disharmony | n ketidakharmonian: ~ between the races, ketidakharmonian di kalangan ras. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
virus | n 1. virus: the small-pox ~, virus penyakit cacar; a ~ infection, jangkitan virus; 2. (fig.) racun: the ~ of racial hatred, racun kebencian ras | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
source | 2. cause, punca: an infected tooth could be the ~ of all your troubles, gigi yg rosak mungkin merupakan punca semua penyakit kamu; racial prejudice was the chief ~ of turbulence in the country, prasangka ras merupakan punca utama pergolakan di negara itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
disunite | vt (act.) memecahbelahkan; (pass.) berpecah-belah: quarrels over inheritance ~ the family, pergaduhan krn harta pusaka telah memecahbelahkan keluarga itu; the country was ~d by racial conflicts, negara itu berpecah-belah krn konflik ras; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
alert | adj 1. vigilant, berjaga-jaga, berawas-awas, berwaspada: the possibility of an attack kept them all ~, kemungkinan berlakunya serangan membuat mereka sentiasa berjaga-jaga; ~ to, cepat menyedari: ~ to the problem of racial polarisation, cepat menyedari adanya masalah polarisasi ras; 2. mentally perceptive, responsive, a. (of person) peka dan pintar; b. (of mind) cerdas; 3. prompt, brisk, cepat: ~ in answering questions, cepat menjawab soalan-soalan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
discrimination | n 1. act of distinguishing, pembezaan, membezakan: he is incapable of ~ between good and evil, dia tdk dapat membezakan antara yg baik dgn yg buruk; 2. discernment, kearifan, arif: she showed a lack of ~ in her choice of clothes, dia kurang arif dlm memilih pakaian; 3. prejudice, partiality, diskriminasi: racial ~, diskriminasi ras. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |