average | n 1. standard regarded as ordinary, sederhana: his ability is above (the) ~, kebolehannya lebih drpd sederhana; below (the) ~, kurang drpd sederhana; 2. normal rate, degree, amount, etc, pukul rata, rata-rata: he smokes an ~ of twenty cigarettes a day, rata-rata, dia menghisap dua puluh batang rokok sehari; 3. arithmetic mean, purata, pukul rata, hitung panjang: the ~ of 2, 4 and 6 is 4, purata bagi 2, 4 dan 6 ialah 4; law of ~s, hukum purata; on /an, the/~, pukul rata, hitung panjang, purata: on an ~ he comes in about three times a week, pukul rata, dia datang tiga kali seminggu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
average | vi usu ~ out /at, to/, pukul rata, hitung panjang, rata-rata, purata: the profit ~d out at $200,000 a year, pukul rata keuntungan syarikat itu ialah $200,000 setahun; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
average | vt 1. estimate the mean of, mencari purata bagi, memukulratakan: you should ~ your marks and compare them with those of other students, kamu patut mencari purata bagi markah kamu dan membandingkannya dgn markah penuntut-penuntut lain; 2. do, get, produce, etc, an average of, rata-rata: he ~s eight hours sleep a night, rata-rata dia tidur selama 8 jam setiap malam. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flush2 | adj 1. level with another surface, sama rata; (attrib) rata: the cupboard is ~ with the wall, almari itu dibina sama rata dgn dinding; ~ door, pintu rata; 2. (colloq) having plenty of money, kaya: if you’re ~ today, I’d like to borrow a tenner, kalau kamu kaya hari ini, saya nak pinjam sepuluh. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pro rata | adj (fml) pro rata: here the workers are paid on a ~ basis, di sini pekerja dibayar gaji atas dasar pro rata; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
uneven | adj 1. rough, bumpy, tdk rata: the ~ surface of the road, permukaan jalan yg tdk rata; the ~ ground, tanah yg tdk rata; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flat1 | 7. unvarying, sama rata: a ~ rate, kadar sama rata; on a minibus in Kuala Lumpur you pay a ~ fare of fifty cents, apabila naik bas mini di Kuala Lumpur, kita membayar tambang sama rata lima puluh sen; 8. dull, hambar: the conversation was ~ and uninteresting, perbualan itu hambar dan tdk menarik; life seemed ~ to me, hidup terasa hambar bagi saya; 9. (of voice) without variations, mendatar; 10. (of statement, words, etc) emotionless, tdk beremosi: although he was clearly angry, the president confined himself to ~ statements of fact, walaupun presiden itu jelas marah, beliau hanya membuat keterangan berfakta dan tdk beremosi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
around | 5. here and there, a. at, in various places, di sana sini, di merata-rata tempat: scattered ~, tersebar di merata-rata tempat; b. to various places, ke merata-rata tempat, ke sana sini: to travel ~, mengembara ke merata-rata tempat; 6. to so’s house, place of work, etc, ke /rumah, pejabat, dll/ sso, [or not translated]: he came ~ to inspect the leak in the roof, dia datang (ke rumah saya) utk memeriksa atap yg bocor; 7. (colloq) in existence, circulation or activity, [no specif translation]; (when length of time is indic) berkecimpung dlm bidang + approp n: you won’t find furniture of this quality ~ nowadays, kamu tdk akan dapat mencari perabot yg bermutu spt ini sekarang or perabot yg bermutu spt ini tdk lagi dijual sekarang; he must be one of the best actors ~, dia tentulah salah seorang pelakon yg terbaik di antara yg ada; a singer who has been ~ for a number of years now, penyanyi yg telah berkecimpung dlm bidang seni suara selama beberapa tahun; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
smooth | adj 1. a. (of road etc) flat, level, rata: the road is ~ and wide, jalan itu rata dan lebar; a large expanse of ~ lawn, laman rumput yg rata dan luas terbentang; b. (of skin, fabric, etc) fine, soft, licin: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pro rata | adv secara pro rata. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |