restless | adj 1. unable to be still, dissatisfied, resah, gelisah: the delay made him ~, kelambatan itu membuatnya resah; after six months at home, he became ~ again, and applied for a job, selepas enam bulan duduk di rumah, dia menjadi resah semula dan memohon pekerjaan; 2. (of sea) in a state of constant motion, bergelora; 3. unable to sleep properly, (penuh) /resah, gelisah/: he spent a ~ night worrying over the problem, dia penuh resah sepanjang malam memikirkan masalah itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fidgety | adj resah, gelisah; become ~, /naik, menjadi/ /resah, gelisah/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
over-anxious | adj terlalu /resah, khuatir/: ~ parents, ibu bapa yg terlalu resah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
uneasy | 3. uncomfortable, resah: he gave me an ~ smile, dia tersenyum resah kpd saya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hot | ~ and bothered, gelisah, resah: there’s no need to get all ~ and bothered over such a small matter, tdk perlu resah ttg perkara yg sebegitu kecil; ~ bath, mandi air panas; ~ favourite, pilihan ramai; be ~ on st, (colloq) a. be interested in st, minat sst: she’s ~ on rock music, dia minat muzik rock; b. be good at st, bagus dlm sst: she’s ~ on maths, dia bagus dlm matematik; ~ tip, panduan yg tepat; /be in, get into/ ~ water, (colloq) mendapat susah: you’ll get into ~water if you’re late again, kamu akan mendapat susah jika kamu datang lambat lagi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
toss | ~ /about, around/, a. (of person) resah: she was ~ing about all night with fever, dia resah sepanjang malam krn demam; b. see vi (sense 1. a.); | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
restive | adj 1. unsettle, uneasy, resah, gelisah: the crowd became ~ at the long delay, orang ramai naik resah disebabkan kelewatan yg berpanjangan itu; 2. (of horse or other animal) uncooperative, liat bergerak: fear made the animal ~, ketakutan membuat binatang itu liat bergerak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fidget | n 1. (often in pl) state of restlessness, keresahan, kegelisahan; be in a ~, have the ~s, resah, gelisah; get the ~s, menjadi /gelisah, resah/; give so. the ~s, /meresahkan, menggelisahkan/ sso; 2. person who fidgets, (orang yg) /resah, gelisah/: what a ~ you are!, resahnya kamu ini!; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
unquiet | adj agitated, disturbed, tdk /tenang, tenteram/; (emotionally, mentally) resah; (of sea) tdk tenang: the ~ times in which we live, masa yg tdk tenteram dlm kehidupan kita masa kini; nothing would soothe his ~ mind, tdk ada apa pun yg akan melegakan fikirannya yg resah; a boat tossed about on an ~ sea, bot yg terlambung-lambung di laut yg tdk tenang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bundle | (be) a ~ of nerves, resah gelisah, kelesah; go a ~ on, (sl) suka: to go a ~ on horror movies, suka cerita-cerita seram; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |